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grade 7

internet trollers that are normally the age 12-13

grade 7: "im gonna go troll on roblox lol"

*grade 7 trolls*

older kid: "stupid fucking grade 7"

grade 7: "lololololololol"

by yourfuckingmother:) September 30, 2017

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Grade W

A statement said or action taken that is so incomprehensibly ignorant, stupid, or unaware of the situation that it sounds like it could have been said or done by George W. Bush.

When Sarah Palin said "What is it exactly that a VP does every day?", I knew that she was not just stupid, but Grade W stupid.

by deathsaurus November 5, 2008

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grade teacher

a teacher who teaches all subjects in a class. Grade teachers usually teach in pre-primary and primary classes.

She has been a grade teacher for years.

by uttam maharjan March 9, 2010

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seventh grade


everyones a pussy in seventh grade.

by ellieshoe December 12, 2018

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the grade’s gottlieb

a being with a good fashion sense and IS too cool for school. someone who simply is HIM.

Oh yeah, that’s Wyatt, he’s so cool. He IS “the grade’s gottlieb”.

by Dshinde October 26, 2022

Grade a clarter

Like a clarter, only more powerful

If samuels a clarter, then moe is a grade a clarter

by Gaunterodimm September 15, 2020

Charlie's Grade

A term used to hurt your feelings and your ego.

Jimothy: Hey Charlie, what did you get for your math test?
Charlie: Oh, I only got 23/23, didn't even get the extra credit...
Jimothy: Fuk, that's Charlie's grade

Charlie gets no bitches

by AsianFetus May 19, 2022