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A word that means a massive penis; over a foot long.

Dude, jack has a total baguette.

by Endei October 2, 2023


It is franch breed from the country Paris

Mmmm Baguette

by Dominic bad guy November 1, 2020

nutella on the baguette

When a french (Guy or Girl) has anal sex, and there is some fecal matter on the tip of the penis after you pull it out.

Jean-Pierre just put some Nutella on the Baguette, bon Appétit

by crocodiledundee123 February 8, 2018

Bideford Baguette

The act of performing cunnilingus on a rank pussy.

"She was a nasty girl - had a minge that looked like a Bideford baguette , Quimm cheese , baggy ham on a crusty cob with salad dressing dripping out. But I ate her out anyway"

by Not Bambi January 20, 2024

Baguette fight

You and your friend fill 2 condoms with your own poop, until they become really hard and stiff. Then you start having a sword fight with them. Whose condom breaks first and lets out the contents loses and shall be ashamed.

Adam and Tommy had a baguette fight yesterday. It was funny and messy at the same time.

by Csokiskuki March 6, 2020

Dusty Baguette

A dusty baguette is problematic trash.

Brian is a dusty baguette

by CrewTrash July 17, 2015

Death Baguette

A long, cylindrical turd, possibly with scoring on one or more surfaces. Unlike the more typical 'coiler' this monster extrudes in a nearly straight configuration.

Man, after all that kimchi last night I dropped a death baguette this morning.

by Thoringerveer February 2, 2022