happiness is rare imagine. lol
Being happy ex: I was happy now I play video games to clear my mind
Being A Storm is one of, if not, the most insulting thing you can say about someone. It means to be a furry and a faggot at the same time, as well as being a degenerate to top it all off.
Stop Being A Storm, you fucker!
This is when a particular person with short stature has a chip on their shoulder and wants attention to compensate for their lack of competence, but naturally thinks they are better then everyone else. Generally just a pain in the ass for the general public to deal with.
He was being a clarkson the other day...
When you are being jack you are dismissing someone by claiming you don't know them.
I'm being Jack with Chris by acting like I don't know him
To pleasure one's self in their living room as seen in the cult classic BUSTED
Hey I was just being bradley today when my mom caught me.
A video by Jaiden animations that people went nuts over cause now their shitty fanfictions can't come to life
Jaiden released a video called "Being not straight"
and 2,000,000 idiot simps cried in agony that day
When Sheri Silva Thayer complains about fireworks being lit off and it's not even 8 o clock.
Sheri was being a karen by posting on a Facebook about fireworks being lit in a town full of tweakers and illegal stuff happening all over.
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