Absolute sort. Definitely has a god complex because she is literally perfect. Loves intimidating boys but will only get with boys that have some sort of power over her, eg her boss. The only thing bigger than her ego is her biceps. Probably the funniest girl you will ever meet.
Sometimes I pray to a Bethany Wood.
Another word for ‘God’
absolutely perfect in every way, shape and form. the most beautiful person you will ever meet, so musically talented and very nice. baddest bitch out there. everyone loves them. best style and sense of humour.
bethany bridge is the best person is the entire world!
The girl in horror movies who runs around screaming covered in slime
That bitch running round screaming is a typical slimey bethany
A bitch who thinks she can talk shit and not get shit back
Me: Ayo, did you hear bout the person who was chatting shit?
Them: Yea it was Bethany Robertson
bethany and micheal are the schools cutest couple. he always makes her laugh and is very tall. she can get jealous if he talks to other girls, but over all he makes her feel like a princess. everyone in the school is jealous of this relationship because they way she treats her is a girls dream come true
bethany and micheal are the perfect relationship
Bethany Hibbert is a youtuber.
She is really good and funny.
have you heard of bethany hibbert?
no who's she!
she's a youtuber
is she good ?
yeah and she's funny too