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National beat a bish up day

Do you always see that one girl/guy that you want to beat the absolute hell out of but you don't because you'll get "in trouble "and you don't want to ruin your reputation, Well on April 18 it's national beat a bish up day. Don't be shy, go for it!

GIRL/GUY- *Trips with shoe in front of everyone*
YOU- Its National beat a bish up day shouldn't have done that today *Starts Slapping and punching*:) <3

by February 18, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

nicka bish misty

A deli worker supplying the town with roast beef cuts and $lu$πŸ˜‚πŸ’

Nicka bish misty: A roast beef supplier

by Amarie3 August 19, 2020

faking bish

s1mple tosic momento

you play like faking bish

by SHUTTHEFUCKUP_GLOWZI November 5, 2020

faking bish

s1mple toxic momento

very nice to play with you, you play like faking bish.

by SHUTTHEFUCKUP_GLOWZI November 5, 2020


Finding some totally real not made up word and then using it likes it’s not made up entirely

MJ used bishing, that liar!!

by BobThe1st1st June 1, 2022

yura bish

You're rubbish.

Me: "Have you heard of Yura?"

My friend: "Who's Yura?"

Me: "Yura bish."

My friend: "Did you just call me rubbish?" " How rude! "

by Ayakamissuni July 15, 2022


Best player ME

Bishful is probably better than Bugha's squad

by Bishful January 29, 2020