Source Code

crotch crumb

1. A bitter old geezer intolerant of other people having fun.
2. Literally: Crusty build-up around the genitals due to a nasty lack of personal hygiene. Not to be confused with crotch crickets.

Old man: "Go away! Celebrations are for sissies. If I had it my way, I'd put all of you runts in the slammer!"
Jake: "What's his problem?"
Bobby: "Don't mind him, he's just being a crotch crumb..."

Jane: "Would you rather dive into a pool of snot, or sleep with 'funky Jake'?"
Jenny: "Eww, gross! I hear he's got a major grody case of crotch crumb."

by Dyslexicon March 27, 2010

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crumb gutter

Female chest cleavage.

This girl's shirt was so low, I couldn't stop staring at her crumb gutter.

by Boobsnatcher November 30, 2004

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crumb muncher

children from a single mother (that you want to date)

Sally's got crumb munchers, they are eating up everything!

by KonChaang August 8, 2008

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Crumb Nation

A large gathering of very dedicated fans of the alt-rock band Cracker

"At the San Fransisco show there were so many Crumbs...it was like Crumb Nation"

by Saturn28 April 18, 2009

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cunt crumb

The crumbs resulting from period blood being rolled into balls of filth by the rubbing of a woman's thighs as she sleeps or walks.

"That bitch was on the rag and left a blood smear on my sheets along with some cunt crumbs. I scraped them into a baggie and will return them to her later."

by pacificdetail December 8, 2013

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Crotch Crumbs

These are the crumbs of food that miss your mouth and fall into your crotch. Crotch Crumbs occur most often in movie theatres, dark-lit rooms, and most often when one viciously shovels food into their mouth for reasons unknown.

'Hey, Ron. Can you pass me the popcorn?'
'There's none left in the bag but you can have my crotch crumbs'.

by Walt Diznay August 29, 2010

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fart crumb

This is a form of skid mark that appears in your underwear after having a tremendous amount of gas. It can happen all at once or accumulate over several farting episodes.

I need to wash all these fart crumbs out of my underwear.

by eggjones1 August 23, 2009

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