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Brain Cells

The first excuse for parents to think weed is bad. The truth is, however, that weed promotes brain cell growth by increasing the development of stem cells in the brain.

Smoking weed kills your brain cells! That's why you only have straight A minuses!

by SomethingCool51 July 25, 2012

44๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cell Warrior

Incarcerated individual whose tone softens when he/she hears the gentle hum of the automatic release of their cell room door opening. When behind large locked metal door, will often make claim that he/she will, "...rape your fucking skull and shoot my skeet on yo' bitch ass neck...", but wil often close his/her own door in the event of an accidental sell block release.

Bubble Bitch: Hey Prescott, are you worried about those Chiefs in New Seg?


by 1302 July 6, 2005

8๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cell phone

A portable phone designed for communicating wirelessly through the use of towers called "cells" hence the name "cell phone". Originally very expensive to buy and call on and fairly bulky, are now in some cases free and very small. As they've gotten smaller, more features have been incorperated like silent mode (vibrate or no ring) and other features like MP3 capability, ring tone, camera, color screen and some more features found in more advanced cell phones called "smartphones" with PDA like functions. Can also be used as "pleasure device" for women too cheap to purchase a vibrator...

"Dude I got this sick camera phone the other day!" -Other Dude "Dude your a cheapass for getting only a cameraphone! I got a smartphone a week ago and it's got 18231371 more features than yours does!
"Omg becky like the other day like my BF like dumped me so I had to like use my phone I mean you know like what I mean? Like I turned on the vibrate function and like OMG it felt like sooo good."
-becky "Like totally girl friend! I do that like every weekend like thats why like I mean like I don't have like a boyfriend ya know?"

by Philippine mango July 18, 2005

26๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

brain cells

The cells found in your brain.
aka: what you lose after smoking weed.

Going out to kill some more brain cells.

by BrittanySmith:) July 27, 2007

48๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

cell phone

Cellular communication; how an amoeba communicates. You know; amoebae, like really, really small people.

Hey, lookit the cell phone under this microscope!

Of course it is! Can't you see that the one amoeba's phoning another one?

Of course his phone is cellular. What other kind would an amoeba have?

(If you're saying this out loud, it would be good to duck now and then, in case someone was going to hit you.)

by Downstrike November 18, 2006

19๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

cell phone

Small electronical device that causes major distress in rich girls lives. If lost it could cause her to show paranoid schizophrenic behavior. It will also cause her mom to scold mentally handicapped kids and call them "immature."

"Mom! They took my cell phone! I thought they were my friends!"

by MOJOE April 22, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Free Cell

1. God's gift to man, 2. Addictive, 3. Saturday nights well spent

Person unacquainted with the gift: Becky what do you do with your days after school now that you have relinquished all commitments?
Becky: Two words. Free Cell.

by YaMan March 20, 2005

10๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž