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The word chav or chavette, is a word used for low-life scum that want to be black. One day a noob decided that he wanted to look like 2pac and decided to copy his dress style, but he epically failed and therefore he dressed like a scrub with tracksuit bottoms round his ankles hi top sneakers, a vest with a tracksuit top and a hat turned to 90 degrees. also chavs decide to wear an inconsiderable amount of 'bling'. now usually most chavs are on the dole or benefits and claming of our governments. usually chavs listen to r n b hip hop etc, basically any songs where the singer is singing about huge arses and shooting other people. chavs are usually aged between 12-16 and by the time they are 18 have grown into mature people, almost. they usually hang out with mcdonalds and also show off there nokia 3210's as they are too poor to afford good phones. chavs are the skidmarks on the underpants of society and by 2020 i predict a huge war will take place between progressive rockers and chavs. that will be fun >_< another name for chav is wigger.

chav 1: sup bruv
chav 2: ....
chav 1: ay brav why iz u airing me innit
chav 2: i iz finkins about me fams in the hoodz of shoplandz

chav 1: manting i az been tinksin bout them 2, i fink we shuld cuts dem up innit
chav 2: yh we shuld shank dem hardcore eh
chav 1: sozz bruvting buts my mumz dole money aint come through yet, she iz trying to work on da corna as ard as she can but the fish mongers are sueing er 4 da bad ass smell coming from her pooooooosssssy

by chav hater >_< July 10, 2009

18๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


youve seen them. they stand around bus stations and macdonalds with burberry (is that how its spelt) hats, and immitation tracksuits. dont forget the cheap "bling" and obsession with mobile phones.

chavs try to pronounce as little constonants in a word as possible,and ay it as rude as possible so "may i see your phone?" becomes "oi may le mee c ur fon"

the female chav will listen to any black woman singing about how they got cheated on by their ex. the male will listen to rappers talking about how they "blow caps in a n***** ass" on the "westside" (the male chav will also claim they are from the "westside" even if they are clearly easter)

"omg innit bruv, 'e cul'd uz shovs"
"no, i called u a chav"
"is i' coz am black?"
"but your white"
"cum on dave, lez leave dis twa' n' go to du kebab van"

by kubrick fan June 11, 2005

36๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


As virilent as bubonic plague and spreading like rats emerging from their lairs these undesirables are spawning a legion of illegitimate 'chavlets.'
Linger round Oldham Street & Piccadilly Gardens in Manchista and watch the 'chavometer' peak!
Low chav index before midday tho' as they're still in their pits!
Baying and snarling like a pack of jackals round a wounded prey,basball caps cocked at an angle they take everything out of the system but put tap-all back!
Render the bastards down!
Chavs ferried in at one end -melted tacky jewellry and Rockport residue exuding out of the other!!
Only Argos Jewellry counters and Cash Generators would miss them.

'Garot a chav today !
Keep the detritus at bay !!''

''I'm innocent !
I've dun nuffin Mr.Dibble !
I woz dumpin me load into one ov me bitches at that time.
Honest mate.
She'd bunked off skool.''

by Bod June 7, 2004

77๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž


Chav = Council House And Violent

Sheesh, what's with all the chavs?

by Chavs Annoy Me June 30, 2005

119๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


A boy/girl (chavette), who loves to 'impress'. They do this by wearing 'Burberry, Adidas, Rockport boots, and the like. Sometimes these are not even fake (usually a cheap accessory or something). The strange thing is though, they actually, in their tiny minds, think they look stylish. Mind you, that socks outside the tracky bottoms thing could catch on, (in Uzbeckistan or somewhere). They are the coolest things on earth as far as they're concerned. Every sane person knows that on the coolness scale they come a few places below molten lava flowing through a blast furnace. Its not their faults because they just don't know anything about style, they need help. So please, please, the next time you see one please just tell them what prats they look. (Don't be frightened 'cos these aren't even plastic gangsters, more like cotton wool wanksters). we must do something cos these youngsters are our future generation and at the moment they actually think the word chav is a compliment. Need I say more

Fake Burberry , loads of gold (that magically turns green), in their ears and on their fingers, any sports tracksuit (bottoms tucked in socks), the most gaudy naff trainers available. Often with chavette in tow similarly attired

Source: gus7268, Dec 29, 2004

to quote starsailor they're just poor misguided fools

by gus7268 January 2, 2005

72๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


usually some fucking stinky 13 - 17 year olds that sit in alley ways and smoke dat weed innit. they also are known for drinking 35p energy drinks and they are set with a specific uniform that includes: an addidas tracksuit and jacket, nike cap and a pouch. in this pouch they store their essentials which are, quidz, weed and most importantly a rusty piece of shit they found in their stanky da's shed called a shank

bruv your mum gae and you fucken stanky go away you chav fetus cunt

by December 15, 2019


An english derived term for a common type of British citizens. They can be of any age (usually 12 through to 80), and they all smoke, do drugs and binge drink.
Female and male chavs are both quite similar, as their dressing style (tracksuit) is the same, and both genders do not work.
Below is a typical example of a conversation between two chavs.

A: Ayup, why you lose so much fat, like?
B: I just popped out another one.
A: Whos da dad?
B: Dunno.
A: OMG dat's like sooo gangsta. :L
B: Yeah man. We so gangsta.
A: So why dey call us chavs?

by Alice-Jane August 22, 2008