THE SEXIEST MAN ALIVE WITH A CHIPPED TOOTH but, he don’t take shit from dark ones or lil jits ong he will beat tf outtta you if you diss him ong.
Tyler chippy, Don’t mess wit chippy he will beat yo ass
When one improves and does significantly better when in the presence of “chippy”
Similar to the Jordan Poole affect
You went off today, must of been the chippy affect.
A douche bag hockey player who fucks shit up on the ice but bends at the ankles
Hockey poser, Hated rival
He was chippy af in last nights game.
Josh, don't play chippy af tonight, you can barely stand up.
Deriving from the meaning; attractive woman with a slightly rough upbringing preventing her from being able to live up to her real potential.
Mate do you think she's fit?
Hmmm, she's a Chippy mate.
She's Chippy fit.