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Chocolate sougina

The term used when a person pours hot chocolate into a womans vagina, (if they are available, the little marshmallows are added) The man wraps the womans legs around his neck and sips at the vagina. If the woman climaxes while the man is lapping at her, this will spray the chocolate out, making Chocolate Rain.

John: I was up in the mountains skiing.
Jack: Isn't it cold up there?
John: Ya but when i got back to the lodge i ordered a Chocolate sougina and it got the chill right out.

by Wildboi September 6, 2007

Chocolate Helicopter

(chaa · kluht heh · luh · kaap · tr)

When you take a shit so large that it spins around in the toilet, painting the bowl brown before finally taming the beast after a couple of flushes.

Person #1: The other day I took a comedically large, perfectly shaped turd and the toilet wouldn't flush it!
Person #2: Really?
Person #1: Yeah! After the third flush it was just spinning around like a chocolate helicopter and painted the whole bowl brown.

Person #2: You should've taken a video!

by antipierspirant February 6, 2022

chocolate peanut

When the girl shits on the cock

Nicole gave Laquan a chocolate peanut last night during their shift.

by Tel-E January 22, 2017

A Chocolate Swirlie

A swirlie is the act of putting somebodys head in a toilet and flushing it.A chocolate swirlie is a normal swirlie but with shit in the toilet.

I'm so pissed of that i'm gonna give somebody a chocolate swirlie!

by The Petusis Cult March 24, 2022

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Chocolate Sleeve

When someone is in a rush to wipe after taking a dump, and accidentally gets their sleeve covered in shit during the wiping process.

Wilford Brimley - "I was running late for work this morning and totally chocolate sleeved my only good work shirt."

by Dangerstache October 6, 2009

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Stripper Chocolate

When the stripper giving you a lap dance convinces you to buy some of her kids chocolate for a fundraiser

Dude.. I left the titty bar and checked my pocket, I bought some stripper chocolate again!

by Rhaughne September 4, 2018

chocolate popcicle

Military call sign for a rotary winged aircraft.

Chocolate Popcicle entering 4WA in order to complete mission and return to mother.

by BeaniBeani December 4, 2016