When someone has succeeded maximally in meeting a goal, she may say that she has crushed it.
36👍 5👎
Crushes are a wonderful feeling. Every time you see that special person your heart beats and you try to hide a smile. You want to stalk him or her. Crushes are also painful. You like this person, a lot, and yet, you may not know if he or she feels the same way. Your best friend may live next door to him or her and be really good friends with your crush, yet every time she or he talks to him or her, it pains you. You think he likes her or she likes him. Then there is the prettiest girl in your class and he sits with her. You may think he likesh er just because he talks to her. Then, the school yeari s coming to a close. You feel really depressed. You just want to scream to him or her: I REALLy like you and hope you feel the same way. Or you really want to know if he or she has the same feelings for you, or if they like someone else. It would help you feel so much better. Sometimes, even though I find it weird, I still cry about all of the emotional problems I'm having. I also obsess over my crush with my friend. We obssess over our crushes together. If you want, you could also write that special person a note and then sign your name. Crushes are wonderful, but very painful, thus the word: crush.
You: I really like so-and-so.
Friend: I know. He's cute. Look there's my so-and-so!
You: lets watch him play basketball.
Friend: FINE
You:ohh look! he has the ball. Oh, he missed, but it was still a nice shot. My crush is adorable!
1214👍 210👎
Crushed crush can mean someone's/you're crush
1. Dates someone else
2. You dont have a crush on that person anymore
3. That person is away or ignoring you
4. Or actually got crushed
Publeo-The person who I like is dating someone else
Sam-damn guess you got a crushed crush
Publeo-guess so
The one person who will single-handedly destroy your existence.
My crush is right over there, kill me now.
229👍 38👎
A fucked up feeling where u like someone and are to shy to say anything. And you're constantly feeling that u mean nothing to them, and you're constantly thinking about them and imagine perfect senarios that will probably never happen 😔
I saw that guy again in the halls again... I got a warm inside and wanted to look at him but I couldn't
Ya you're probably crushing
416👍 75👎
When you have a crush on someone it means you have developed a strong desire for another person. Eventually it may grow into true love or your feelings might wear away so don't jump into conclusions and mistake a silly crush for love. A crush might make you get butterflies in your stomach, shy, and blushful. Your crush can also cause you to do silly things like stalking him,figuring out his/her sceduled classes, looking at his/her myspace a million times a day (even reading all his/her comments), collecting every piece of information you can on him/her, and other obsessive things. There is a reason why a crush is called a crush though. It might hurt to find out your crush is taken--OUCH! But if you are truely still into this person DON'T let that stop you. There is still hope for the future. Until your desired lover is single again try developing a frienship! That way you'll always be an option. Good luck! ( :
Ps-Don't go OD on the stalker thing. Not only is it a turnoff--it's also pretty darn creppy...
Sometimes in school when you see you're crush walking down the hall the sounds of noisey fuckers come to a silence and everyone one fades away from your sight. Now all your see and hear is your crush glowing with a aurora like a beautiful god/godess.
3477👍 839👎
When someone likes someone else a lot, they may refer to the someone else as their crush. Crushes are interesting because of their varieties. I’d like to offer two different types of crushes for now.
Little crush. This first crush is on someone the crusher doesn’t know well. It could be infatuation, appreciation of appearance, a desire to be friends mislabeled, or simply an admiration of the idea of someone rather than who they are. When the crusher learns more about this person, they may lose their crush, reaffirm it (see the second type) or discover the crush was mislabeled. Instead of specifying a different type of crush for mislabeled platonic wanting-of-friendship, it’s included in type one because typically the cause is the same: The crusher doesn’t know the crush well or is unfamiliar with separating these feelings. Even if this little crush feels intense, it still is considered little because there is little to go off of.
Big crush. When the crusher knows the crush well and has developed a crush or previously had a little crush on them. Feelings are more fleshed out here, as there are reasons behind the way the crusher feels, even if they can’t name it. However, the crusher should be able to point out specific things they like other than appearance that they like about their crush like actions, hobbies, opinions or little things. Someone with a little crush can do this too, but they don’t know the person as well.
What’s the name of that blonde guy in our class? I think I have a little crush on him.
Marco loved the way his crush, Jenna, skated around school. She was so cool!
After getting to know Jenna better, Marco’s crush on her got even bigger.
I have a crush on my best friend and she doesn’t know. She’ll never know all the little things I notice, like the way she holds her hair up when she’s mad, the way she talks faster and less coherent when excited and the passion she has for human rights.