Dar is so smart so sweet so funny and a really good friend he treats me right and even tho he acts perfect bc of his grades his life is hard so be there for him Dar is unforgettable. You will be so happy you met him he is never a waste of your time if you have a Dar in your life you are the luckiest girl and if you dumped him or didn’t try to except him your stupid and you will always regret Dar is not dumb trust me he is the greatest most trustworthy friend I have ever had. Dar deserves more than he thinks.
Dar is awesome.
Dar is cool.
Dar is really smart.
Dar is a really good friend.
Dar is sweet.
Dar is tall.
Dar is loving.
dar is the name of a person who is cool
omg look its dar they’re so cool 😊
a man with the largest knob and the strongest fists. Proper shagger.
John: "Just shagged a bird this weekend that's my 5th shag this week"
Robert: "Coorrrr you are a proper Dar"
slang; short for the name of the queen of math, Dargie. Can be used an adjective, verb, noun, and you can also name your child Dar, such as Darth Vader. Many do not know this secret behind the iconic characters name, but this is completely true. Dar should only be used by kool kids, so if you’re a luser don’t try to use it or else you’ll look like a noob. Thanks for reading and I hope you have a good day, but I’m not going to say good luck because YOU GOT THIS.
Dang, Leila is such a dar. She should get a Nobel Peace Prize.
Ally Worst is not a dar, she’s the complete opposite of a dar. Ally Worst and dar should never be used in the same sentence. Ever. I’m sorry for this sentence.
Dar is a beautiful girl who meant to be with Emi together they are such a cute couple
Dar i love you more then i love burgers yamyam
Dar is a beautiful girl who has a lot of friends but she need one friend that can be mor then just a friend to her , I mean she need a girl like Emi , Emi is everything dar can dream about, she will love her to the moon and back.
For example, Now Dar is alone and sad and lonely but when she’ll read it OMG her hurt wouldn’t take it, and then Emi will do her move and taa daaa Dar will fall in love.