Source Code

ding dong wong

When u ding your dong on a Wong holdin a gong

U got your ding dong wong stuck in a gong behold god

by kangaro trainer March 27, 2019

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Ding dong ass

When someone sticks their ding dong (penis) into another person's ass sideways

John: yo Tom I just had a ding dong ass with ella

Tom: that's my guy

by Wonky slush February 2, 2021

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Ding Dong Ditch

when he tries to get it in your ass but bails without opening the back door

"guys John totally ding dong ditched me last night." "I was so ready for it to go up there but then he just stopped."

by badgrl696969 May 2, 2019

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Ding-dong-ditch means that you knock on a random door and you run away after you knock and when the awnser the door the person or thing will not see you run and they will think that your there but your not your running away from them

Guess what? I ding-dong-ditched and they called the cops and it was on the news

by Natalie Eay May 29, 2017

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Ding Dong and Dash

When you gotta smash but you gotta blast before her dad comes into the room.

Guy 1: Yo fam I totally pulled a Ding Dong and Dash on Marion last night!
Guy 2: Dude no way!

by Suโ€™umYungGai June 18, 2018

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Ding Dong Ditch

When a piece of shit loser knocks a girl up and can't handle the financial and emotional responsibility of being a father so he leaves her high and dry.

Did you hear about Kevin man? He ding dong ditched Celena !

by Chadleyturpenkum March 13, 2017

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Ding Dong Dang

In an online game, when you think your next kill will level you but it doesn't is pulling a ding dong dang.

"Ding dong dang, I didn't level!"


"Ding dong dang I needed two more kills."

by Pamalyn November 28, 2008

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