One of the realist people u will meet doesn’t like when people steal from them. They can be freaky at times not only they freaky they also have anger issues. They relationship status is pretty good once they in a relationship they expect the best from the other person
Doop is a very kind and helpful person
A guy ejo likes men but doesn’t wanna let the bous hit.
Damn this nigga is a doop
A zoop doop defined as a legendary Australian
Who is the true meaning of australia
Sort of like a vsco girl but think of them like an aussie version of that
"Pop a couple of cold ones with the boys whilst eating anzac bikkies and dipping them in milo whilst eating spoonfuls of vegemite
And eating a zooper dooper"
If that is you you are being defined as a zoop doop
How do you feel about that new movie?
Mac doop
A baby with a giant neck, stretching about 20 kilometers across its own legs.
Wow, today I saw a Hingle Doop at the zoo with the giraffes! Their long necks are amazing!
Anything that has to do with somebody taking one thing, and changing it in some way.
"dude check out this box i made!"
"dude. more like DUMB you made! ... You see what i did thar?"
"Oh, i see. the ol' loopdy-doop."