Source Code

Multi-Stack Developer

This is a word originated by the great developer shukatsu. He couldnt find a word to describe a developer that do multiple things in a engine games category for example (Can animate and script) so he came up with the word MultiStack Dev/ Multi-Stack Developer

Oh thats shukatsu the Multi-Stack Dev/Multi-Stack Developer I heard he exceeds in many skills in the engine he works in

by yagilol July 25, 2023


The process of developing of being developed. There a Indian cities which are being developed such as bengaluru and Hyderabad

Dude your city is having a development

by Norwood 1234 June 2, 2023

Developer Placebo

Developer Placebo is term said to substances that are believed to increase and improve your software development skills but don't really. An example f these substances could be dark chocolate, Cheese Doritos, matcha, everything vegan

Mike: Yooo bro you should start drinking match, you will be a better software developer
Kyle: No man I became a vegan and I'm writing better software ever since!

John: Guys. You know that is just developer placebo, right?

by TamimiUrban July 31, 2019

serial developer

A person who is continually developing, selling and moving to a new 'home' as often as the tax laws allow them. Superficial neighbour with no real interest in community who uses their home as a way to climb the social ladder and/or make money. For example, may sell and move house every 13 months, if the law requires them to stay over 12 months to avoid paying a tax on the profit from its sale.

Partner1: I met the new neighbours today at the old place over the road...

Partner2: Yeah, we talked on the weekend - if they do to what they did to their last place they won't stay - they are just bloody serial developers.

by barns January 30, 2007

serial developer

A person who is continually developing, selling and moving to a new 'home' as often as the tax laws allow them. Superficial neighbour with no real interest in community who uses their home as a way to climb the social ladder and/or make money. For example, may sell and move house every 13 months, if the law requires them to stay over 12 months to avoid paying a tax on the profit from its sale.

Partner1: I met the new neighbours today at the old place over the road, they seemed nice but were keen to tell me all about themselves...

Partner2: Yeah, we I talked on the weekend - I gather they dont plan to stay, if they do to what they did to their last place - they are just serial developers, it seems to me.

by barns January 25, 2007

character development

when a certain situation happens and your being put down bad but you lift yourself up and keep on going like the bad b you are 😘

yhh that drama was crazy so glad i learnt from it tho #️⃣character development

by Urmumlookslikeacow July 6, 2023

1👍 1👎

Cancer Development

A large suburban development, or sprawl, involving the decimation of natural forests for cheap tract homes, environmental scaring, & mind numbing uniformity.

100 acres were sold to a housing corporation that will jam in 475 homes starting in the low 300s!

From above, the surrounding landscape will look like it has cancer.

Cancer Development.

by Barfield Smarkbass July 11, 2022