Belligerent and Obnoxious.
Your such a Dexter
Dexter is one of the best people you will ever meet, he’s nice funny, and perfect for anyone. Dexter is very sporty and that’s what makes him hot, sometimes when you meet a Dexter you will fall in love with how perfect he is, the way that he will smile at you is heart-melting, the way he will hug you tight will leave a mark in your heart. Go get yourself a Dexter.
Dexters are good boyfriends. If you are lucky enough to be with Dexter, cherish him and love him, regardless of how much you know it would hurt in the end
look! it’s a Dexter, I think he smiled at me! I think i’m going to melt”
A bitch ass nerd who mainly plays League of legends, sits inside all day in their sweaty room, only eats fast foods like mcdonalds and burger king.
"Fuck man, this dude really the biggest dexter bruh"
- another example:
"Bro you're starting to become a dexter, go fix yourself up bruh"
the best person alive, usually the 2nd funniest person in the class, plays alot of fortnite but not all day cuz hes not a loser.
Dexter is the best! hes so cool!
Dexters are one of the most best, adorable, and sweetest type of guys you can get. Dexters are also, a lot of the time, a huge nerd, but that's what makes him so adorable (even if he says he isn't). You will find yourself wanting to do everything for and with him. If you happen to get a Dexter to fall for you, you are a very lucky person. You will always feel welcomed by his presence. Also keep him close at all times because dexters are always getting into trouble somehow.
Dexter is the most precious boy I have ever met.
A beautiful, sexy man who will do anything to please you. Dexters are handsome boys who are very smart, funny, and athletic . Dexters are great in bed and always give the best head.every girl wishes that there was dexter to fuck every 7 seconds. He has a massive dick, and knows how to please the ladies. They are great boyfriends who will make you laugh until you pee yourself.
Me: who is that?
Friend: oh that’s dexter, the hottest guy in school.