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Dino nugget

Dino nuggets are magical things and if you havenโ€™t ate them you missed a lot of your childhood.there better then McDonaldโ€™s boisssss

The Dino nugget girl screamed when someone took a Dino nugget

by Dino nugget girl October 18, 2019

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Dino egg

When you pop one testicle out of your zipper and squeeze so it looks like a dinosaur egg.

Dude, your dino egg is so nasty, you should dangle someone with it.

by ChasetheCat July 24, 2011

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Dino Puzzle

One of four games that comes pre-installed on the TI-84 Plus calculator. Little cartoon dinosaurs and eggs move across the screen, and you have to match them up in pairs as they come. Great study hall timekiller.

Man, I could play this Dino Puzzle all day...too bad I SHOULD be doing my algebra homework...

by Blinx-the-kitty October 10, 2008

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my dino

If your friends name is Dino they are well cool you probably have a crush on them. Shhh they donโ€™t know that yet, they are probably cute asf and loving they are really sensitive and they love to be together they would make a perfect couple but theyโ€™re donโ€™t know that yet, they are also amazing kissers โค๏ธ๐Ÿฅบ

Omg she called him my Dino on Snapchat thatโ€™s so cute

by Jagsab November 13, 2020

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Dino Run

A game created by PixelJam that can be addictive for some, and can only entertain others for a few minutes, who get bored of how repetitive the basic game is.

Some people get into the game and don't stop until they get all the hidden super eggs, milestones, and unlock all the hidden speed run levels and other unlockables. They never realize you have to actually pay real money for the brontosaurus egg, but they try anyway.

The interface is pixelated. One may recall playing games this pixelated back in the late 80s on their DOS prompt

The objective of the game is to play as a velociraptor and run away from the wave of doom, which is the apocalypse of dinosaurs, possibly a cloud of smoke and destruction in a shock wave caused by a meteorite. If done properly, you end up in an underground sanctuary completely closed off from the world with nothing to eat in it. No wonder the Velociraptor went extinct.

You can also play online, and after the race, you have the urge to type a text bubble that says "LOL UR NUB I KICKED UR ASS" but you can't, because there is no chat. Dinosaurs don't talk. They just jump on each others back.

"I was playing Dino Run today. I felt like opening my DOS-prompt and playing DOOM afterward..."

"My dinosaur in Dino Run is dressed like Megaman!"

by KyuPoP August 2, 2008

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Dino Daycare

Dino Daycare is the worst place on roblox. With insanely stupid HRs to AAing rats, you can lose brain cells in a matter of seconds

Dino Daycare is fucking dumb

by treegreenbeansea December 6, 2018

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dino eggs

The large portion of the male population posseses these in their scrotal sack. They contain male juices preferibly to be squooged,squirged, or spit on the female race.

dude just penis fuck me with your dino eggs. I want your penis to cry on my face.

by yancy December 8, 2006

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