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Fuck diva

A female singer who 1. after her show she picks someone out of the audience to come back stage and have sex with her and/or 2. who makes appointments with members of her fan club to meet and have sex with them.
First started by Madam x who is bisexual.

Kathy has become a fuck diva.

by Deep blue 2012 September 24, 2009

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diva princess

1) One containing all the abilities of a diva, but extra gay, whiney, and fire-breathing.

2) A male who is confused about how to be manly, thus takes out his aggression on others by being beastly at manly sports (i.e. tennis,Bocci Ball, Scrabble, Scene-it tournaments, and really cool smirks ).

You see that kid slaughtering kids at knitting, wearing bedazzled jeans? Yeah, he's a diva princess.

by chillin1 April 17, 2009

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Hijab Diva

A Muslim girl donned with a scarf wearing tight fitting, highly fashionable clothes .

Hey, you see that girl over there? She looks really hot!

Oh you mean that girl-not your old conservative type, she's a Hijab Diva.

by Tempestchick April 7, 2009

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Heathen Divas

Bad ass Alaskan girls who generally behave in a manner too over the top for polite society. This type of woman lives in utter chaos and engages in extreme debauchery while still packing epic amounts of sexy.

I saw Aurora, Lauren and Jen half naked and drunk on the beach last weekend. They are such Heathen Divas.

by akbabes July 9, 2009

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Glaive Diva

Popularized by the video game World of Warcraft The Burning Crusade Classic, a Glaive Diva is any person who receives a piece of substantially good loot (such as a Warglaive from the raid Black Temple), and gains a sense of entitlement to more loot or self importance than they otherwise deserve.

Jason: Did you hear that Honsol got a Warglaive?
Fernando: Yeah, he then told the guild how they were no longer worthy of him and quit the guild.
Jason: What a Glaive Diva!
Fernando: I know. Good riddance.

by FlyingTire123 August 2, 2022

Discord Diva

Someone in the discord who is being very picky or close-minded with the options lied out in front of them.

Allan will you stop being such a discord diva and choose a game to play.
Look who has come crawling back, decided what you wanted to play yet discord diva?

by TheManJiggityJosh February 2, 2017

Funky Diva

to be confident in your own world as a lady.
dresses really good
carries herself well

En Vogue carries the torch as being "Funky Divas"
do you think your a Funky Diva

by Drakkar February 3, 2007