Term for when someone takes a product, changes 5% of its features, and redistributes it as a new product(or even better a sequel) with an ungodly price or pay wall thicker than the Trump Wall.
Person 1: Did you hear what Activision-Blizzard just did?
Person 2: Nah mate. What's up?
Person 1: They managed to pull an EA on us gamers with Overwatch 2.
Person 2: Aw hell naw! I can tolerate a FIFA 23 but this just sounds like Overwatch 1.2
ea is a hellish company that bought pop cap AND THE CEO OF EA SHOULD FUCKING DIE
EA Sux
the most HORRYFING, HORRENDOUS, TERRIBLE, TERRYFING, EXHAUSTING, WASTING, FLABBERGASTING, HORRIBLE, BAD, TIME WASTING COMPANY TO EVER EXIST. You wanna know why? It's greedy need for money. Now some folks say EA stands for Electronic Arts, when in reality it stands for Greedy Slaves. Now they give you this "DLC", but you just get scammed because it cost 50 DOLLARS just for one DLC pack. Customer Service is worse than Comcast's. Trying to call? Oh right, they say "Please hold" and then they make you wait for 6 GRUELING HOURS, and when you get picked up by someone, they say "Sorry, we can't help you, Thanks for your time you never get back!" And then hang up in your face.
person 1: i wanna try ea
person 2: no dont ever try ea it is terrible
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Ea means "each". It's video game slang.
Sell 100 lobsters 230gp ea - darklord2256
An Ea is a basement dweller, the most alpha beta youll ever meet. Homophobic lesbian to the max <33
Person a: Damn, have you met Ea?
person b: no, whos that
person a: you dont even wanna know lol
person b : *becomes Ea's best friend to piss off person a*
A game developer that used to make pretty good games, but has changed to be the greedy company we know today.
Person 1: Dammit, I got scammed by EA.
Person 2: In what way?
Person 1: The servers shut down while I was trying to buy in game currency.
Person 2: Yeah, I know the feeling.