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Yes TJ Kirk. You're all equal now. You're welcome. Do we both have the net worth of a country? 2.3 trillion is like a country's worth of net. We're definitely not equally full of fruit. Not equally robbed by billionaires. We're not equally bacterially infect. You got pressure in your skull TJ? That's the difference. I say the things you say and I'm doing the same thing as you AND MORE. You say the things I say and you are doing the same thing AND LESS. Did I not say how trivial sucess would be?

Hym "Could be killing your kids for this but instead I'm taking shit from fat, hairy, sodomites. Still got fluid in my brain. Working without sleep. Is that what YOU are doing YouTuber? Listening to the sound of your ears pop while you take a shit in a dirty gas station bathroom at a job you hate but can't leave? Are we equal in that? What about us is equal here? Do you get paid for YOUR shitty online work? A women with a green streak in her hair is getting paid to do a dance and I created AI. It isn't 'unfair' YOU are a piece of shit. I'm not. You are. Unequal."

by Hym Iam January 1, 2025

equal bohemian tongue tag rat piss troglodyte diverse preference carmel vanilla omni

A person (typically a female) that prefers the dating preference of all races. It stands for Every beautiful type truly radiates passion; their diverse preference captures vibrant openness.

“Hey after being a snow bunny for years I think I now prefer all races.” “Congrats on joining the equal bohemian tongue tag rat piss troglodyte diverse preference carmel vanilla omni life!”

by Jaydome12543 February 12, 2025

The equality.

Also referred to as "Teh equality". <br>You in relation to your love interest/the addition. Called the equality because you think you're their equal.

Mandi: "OMG he and I are perfect. I am the equality."<br>Heather: *nods*

by Heather (Ya Know) November 26, 2007

Equal culobility

When you cause an accident by staring at a shaply posterior but shift some of the blame on said posterior.

Dude you just hit that stop sign! Not all my fault...did you see that ass? There is some Equal Culobility going on here!

by Robofrye March 11, 2019


We fight for equality.
Equal pay.
Equal rights under the law.
But equality is so much more.
It is the right to fee safe in your country,
The right to know the police protects you,
The right to know your coworkers respect you,
Equality is being a human, and everyone has that beautiful right.

Equality is what every single person in this world deserves, no matter what.

by Provemeright September 5, 2018


When a silly female can wake up with her silly friends in a room after a night of partying (like the silly movie Hangover) and try to figure out how one of them got a black eye and laugh about it (and there are plenty of females every bit as silly as the guys in Hangover, being female doesn't exclude them from being what they are) instead of somebody dying or going to jail because she didn't get the respect she felt that she was owed by the world, then there would be something closer to equality here, since that would mean there are more females with a live and let live attitude toward the opposite sex and each other. You'd have more females committing suicide to catch up with the rates of male suicides, and females would end up in jail or prison as long as males for the same crimes, and the police and authority figures would no longer take it easier on them even for traffic tickets.

People that whine the most about equality don't usually appreciate how fortunate they really are and have always been.

by The Original Agahnim December 19, 2021


When a silly female can wake up a black eye after a night of partying and her silly friends can laugh about it instead of try to have someone killed or imprisoned over it, there will be equality, because mlaes will become as powerful as females if that ever happens. Until females begin to take their lives as often as males, go to jail for the same amount of time as males for the same crimes, and authority figures no longer take it easy on them or give them breaks (they get as authoritative with females as they do males) for things ranging from traffic tickets to everything else, (and when as many unarmed females are being shot by the police as unarmed males) females will no longer be the most powerful people, everyone will be equally powerful. When more female kids are getting ass whoopings from their parents, as many as males, then there will be equality.

The people that whine the most about equality (not making as much money for the same job) usually don't appreciate how fortunate they really are, because their lens is too narrow to see beyond their own gripes.

by The Original Agahnim December 21, 2021