Nothing can hinder gods will and your individual will from happening. Smoothness and synced are caressed to what is.
Have you checked k out her prints on getting here, it's like fate was at work
a very very large human being that plays ps4 all day and is brain washed
“hey fates wanna eat some food”
The arbitrary nature of all things. Sometimes it's a bald prick who doesn't want to give you a break and sometimes it's some old geezer who wants to fuck you
Hym "That's a funny way of phrasing that, innit? I thought of that the other day. Pretty good right? That's fate."
When two people have cats of such similar quality that it's obvious that they are destined to be together forever.
"I kind of thought she was ratchet at first, but when we realized we had the same fluffy orange cats, I knew it was cat fate. I had to ask her out."
Three people who make your life good or crap. One of them can even kill you.
Will you take the red pill and instantly obtain $100,000,000 or the blue pill that’s yummy and tastes like blueberry. One will give you comfort, and the other will give you adventure and new opportunities. This choice will decide your fate as a human being.
Oh I see you’re awake. I will ask you now to take the decision of fates. Choose wisely.
dankplank what more do u need to know?
yarr we barrel comb em like tobias fate