A euphemism for mental health services, implying that mental health services are shameful and should be kept a secret. Also, in a country like the United States, which values the physically active, the tangible, metrics, and all and only that which can be seen and measured, the legitimacy of a group of professionals who sit on their butts all day listening to people bitch and moan has to be questioned.
-Did you hear about Mike? He's all kinds of messed up since getting out of the service: homeless, drugs and alcohol, divorced, all that.
-Yeah, I feel bad cause bro got hit by shrapnel. Still, I think maybe he needs professional help.
-... ... ... So, you gonna tell him he needs professional help?
-Hell no.
-Yeah, hell no...
-Maybe give him some space, right?
-Yeah, he's got is war buddies, right? Maybe he's turned into some kinda psycho.
-Yeah, let's just give him some space, bro. It's cool. He'll be fine.
Godless help. This refers to a situation when a unintelligent person with atheistic spiritual views tries to mock other people with religious beliefs, mostly belonging to certain religious groups/religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc.
jeez that moron only brings godless help to those grammies at the church
This phrase, originally used only in the context of telephone customer service, has now gained popularity in any situation that calls for competence beyond what is being offered, or simply used as an obnoxious distraction.
" Jimbo had a limp pecker AGAIN so I asked for a little on shore help."
Police person: "Can I see your license and registration, please?"
LaRon "Only if I can get some onshore help."
Judge: "Please remand the accused to custody."
Jumbo (Jimbo's brother) "Can't a brother get some on shore help here or what?"
Thank god it exists. For those times when that lab or homework just doesn't make sense.
Damn, this Algebra homework makes no sense. I'm gonna go in for some extra-help in the morning.
When someone decides that helping you once isn't enough and continues, though you don't need it.
Mom : "I'm almost done!"
Son : "stop over helping!"
1.Getting ass on a weekly basis and pretending like your weekly meetings have anything to do with math.
2. The opposite of what Jesus would do.
Girl who is looking for ass: OH my. i could really use some "math help". *WINK
Guy who gets a lot of ass: i could totally help you out.
Girl who is still looking for ass: that would be great. come to my house at exactly eight o clock.
If one says that another is coming over to “Help with Homework”,
It is slang that you will most likely working something else.
Brother: Why is your Boyfriend here?
Sister: So he can Help with homework
Brother, all knowing: *laughs*