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I fucking hate sheep

Its when your sheep escape and round about your field mean while you attempt to herd them.

I fucking hate sheep, I fucking hate them. I can't wait to eat them, I cannot wait untill I can eat them
-Jeremy Clarkson

by Sexygrandma'skisses69420 June 22, 2022

i fucked ur dad

the insult of all insults to make any grown man cry
this insult is so severe that it has been known to give people panic attacks and put people in comas, and in some cases even death

todd: how was your day
larry: i fucked ur dad
todd: {instant coma}

by lanky nonse 68 September 24, 2021

National “I Can’t Fucking Drive” Day

May 7. Every fucking time I leave my house on May 7 for some reason nobody can fucking drive.

A: Why is everyone going 35 in a 45 and slamming their brakes?!
B: It’s May 7. National “I Can’t Fucking Drive” Day. Nobody is allowed to drive correctly today.

by chyler823 May 7, 2021

I don't have many fucks left

I don't have many fucks left is When you really are on ur last nerve before SOMEONE SETS U TO THE DEEP END

I'm really starting to get to the point where I don't have many fucks left to give anymore because you're taking advantage of our friendship

by Faithmoriahfaith October 6, 2018

My source is that I made it the fuck up

What you use when someone calls you on your bullshit online. See also: It was revealed to me in a Dream; Source(s): Dude trust me

Raiden: That's a nice argument Senator, why don't you back it up with a source
Senator Armstrong: My source is that I MADE IT THE FUCK UP

by Raiden69_420 November 6, 2023

I fucked your mom

Something every salty 11 year old kid would say if you beat them in a 1v1 in fortnite

-beats kid in 1v1-
Kid: I fucked your mom
Me: -laughs-

by bwal0416 June 2, 2019

11👍 5👎




by FUCK PETE April 12, 2022

3👍 1👎