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Doom Mood

The palindromic feeling of satisfaction in the eye of a looming danger or big event which can lead to both destruction and constructive creativity.

Have you seen Peter today?
- He's working in the garage and might come out with a new car or a pile of trash. He's in Doom Mood.

by tmkdoom February 17, 2022

Laughative mood

When you cannot stop laughing for a period of time for no apparent reason, or everything isn’t 10 times funnier than it normally is

Why are you laughing so much? Oh, I am just in a laughative mood

by LArius January 26, 2019

Skyscraping mood

The biggest mood to exist, the equivalent of “literally me.” Extreme relation to a statement.

I wanna die.”
“Skyscraping mood.”

by mlgbaconlover12 September 21, 2018

mood of steel

When, for whatever reason, you're so angry that you only want to yell and listen to metal and the like.

Yesterday was bad enough to put me in the mood of steel. >:0

by Durbanpoison November 2, 2011

Vibin Mood

no definition needed. if you know you know.

(hint: its a mood thats a vibe)

"Whats up my man"
"Not much dude. Just in a vibin mood"
"Rock on broski!"

by thevibe.com June 27, 2021

Bunny mood

Similar to a funny mood. A sense of over excitement, rowdiness and giddiness. Usually unable to be described in more common lexicon.

"Watermelondria, I'm in a 'Bunny mood' again!"

by Lulu Lusk February 10, 2010

tf mood

a term used by people that are into transformation.

defines something or someone that gives off so much vibes that they want to become them physically.

randy marsh is such a tf mood,,

by humburger July 13, 2023