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Usually has purple hair and can shoot lasars out of eyes, has a tendency to fall over and yell at children

Jace screamed at they’re sister

by OmgAStairCase November 21, 2021


An ugly, cheating scumbag who had a small dick

"Uh Jace I fucking hate that guy"

by Vanillacream4321 January 13, 2025


He's a good bro and the best boyfriend to my Best friend. He's also sometimes inappropriate.

My best friend; Jace your the love of my life

by Dontae the beast December 4, 2019


Used as slang word for cool or awesome

That was so Jace of you
If you can do that you're legally Jace

by Burber114 February 26, 2022


Jace is a gorgeous and beautiful person, they are the best of friends (and best of wifes). Jace is known for their quirky attitude and the way they can develop trust and forgive people so easily. These are the things that will make you wish you had someone as lovely, funny and adorable as Jace in your life. I have mine and I have messed up in the past but they have stuck with me through all of it and we are now stronger because of it, I have my life because of them and I will never let them go, because that will be the worst mistake of my life x

Jace, will you marry me?

by Harry.Baker.1112 November 23, 2021


Strong, Smart, Handsome and intelegent person who always has a plan. He never let’s you down and believes in you. He is a 10/10. In the inside he is a person who got hurt much, but he never talks about it but if you you mean something special to him, he opens his heart to you and he is gonna look for you every second because he knows that you’re the one for him.

Girl: Why don’t you like Jace?
Her mom: Never say this again I see how he looks at you.

by CityOfBonesReader July 16, 2022


Jace is a madlad. He's the hottest boy in town. His eyes wander off and look at something random but he's still listening to you. Do not put him near children. He's has a great personality and is awesome in all ways.

It is also a Verb.

Emmanuel:Bro did you see Jace being a madlad this morning?
Landon: Yeah he certainly Jaced those noobs.

by Newhar October 16, 2019