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Jelly Bracelets

The meaning of these Jelly Bracelets mean nothing. All this is about is somebody is really board and needed to come up with something else to do and made up stupid and nasty things about a fashion. The Jelly Bracelets were out when I was in school and that is atleast 15 years ago. It's a fashion. Give this sexual stuff a break. Can't these kids be kids any more without having sex. This is nasty. Give it a break,and let these kids be kids!!

Jelly Bracelets are just that,Jelly Bracelets. They mean nothing. They are a fashion. Somebody was just board and had to start something stupid about them,and of course people believed them and it's stupid. Let these kids be kids and quit making everything so sexual. Let them have fun being kids,they grow up fast enough these days without the help of somebody starting something stupid like this and the real stupid thing is that some parents really believe this. Get a grip. If you raise your child in the way you believe that they should be you should be able to trust them that they won't do something this stupid,even if others think other wise.

by Denise December 20, 2003

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Jelly Bracelets

you know what jelly bracelets mean where i'm from?

whoever the whore is that made this is should die. i've been asked a trillion times if the ones i wear mean anything and blah blah blah. no. they're bracelets. i like em. they're nifty. so whoever thinks they mean something should go... fuck a moose.

maybe the person was really ugly and jus wanted sex so they made up this stupid so called game...

by jessica July 12, 2004

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jelly bracelets

hey i live in australia and here jelly bracelets do mean things just like the states but these meanings are mainly just used to dipict someones mood or some people just think the meanings are funny so they wear the bracelets.and the first time i ever heard about snap was on the net and we dont play it in australia!!!
also some of the sites say that boys dont wear the bracelets but we do!!!!

i mean wat is the world coming to over in the usa as if u would play snap!!!!!!

our definitions are:
black- intercourse
red-oral sex
pink- kiss
yellow-hug and kiss
clear -what ever the snapper wants
rainbow- all of the above

by big joe January 26, 2004

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jelly bracelets

they are the best i luv em i allwayz snap a black one then i have a GOOD time don`t u??????!!!! i luv jelli`s so get over it

shut the fuck up

by alex March 26, 2004

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jelly bracelets

OK i love jelly braclets! this is what some of them means at my skool.
brown oral sex
black the full montiy
blue makeout
purple hug and kiss

everyone in my school is trading these jelly braclets at school i think they are awesome! Lucky for me no boys snapped my braclets yet!

by Nikki February 29, 2004

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jelly bracelets

innocent looking bracelets which are otherwise more evil than critics imagine them to be. Pimply faced teenage boys are supposed to rip one of them off judging by the colour and the girl is supposed to reurn a favour of a sexual and graphic nature depending on the colour. These items must be banned because they destroy the moral values of our children and promote a moral decay upon society. Anybody caught wearing them should be beaten with sticks and punished Taliban Style - Hey if they can ban people from dropping Class A hallucinagins or Class C herbs and punsih them why cant they ban these "Sex Bracelets" and punish the wearer/buyer as well as the seller with beatings, whippings even hangings? These bracelets are the prime example of the americo-ZOG conspiracy to destroy our youth and the world.

when i was a teenager marely 10 years ago - anybody caught wearing these jelly bracelets would be beaten and stoned to death for being a slut. Todays Teenagers are sick brains.

by Brother Number One February 27, 2005

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jelly bracelets

lihgt blue wit sparkles means sex in tha water

sex in tha water

by kiki April 1, 2004

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