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Kaleb Gonzalez

Kaleb is a person who can be friends with everyone but he is kinda rAHhahuahqjuhuhi but he is something idk if you see this kaleb idk

Kaleb iS SUCH A PERSON Kaleb Gonzalez is him

by Kaleb Gonzalez is dumb April 24, 2024

Kaleb Fowler

A “Kaleb Fowler” is a man who is incredibly kind, very lovable, and, also, perverted. He can’t help but make you smile when you see his. He is “too caring” and “not caring enough.” But in reality he cares a lot, his tone of voice just puts it off. He loves Milk Duds and coffee. And he loves Slime Rancher 2, GTA V online, and talking to his friends. If you ever happen to get a Kaleb Fowler, don’t forget to tell him you love him every day. He’s incredibly special, even the most brutal people love him.

Actual conversation I had about a Kaleb Fowler:
Friend: If you hurt him I’m gonna hurt you.
Me: I love him. I would never hurt him.
Friend: Good.

Me: He’s very lovable.

Friend: Yeah, he is.

by Nyx Dawn October 1, 2022

Kaleb Fowler

A “Kaleb Fowler” is a man who is incredibly kind, very lovable, and, also, perverted. He can’t help but make you smile when you see his. He is “too caring” and “not caring enough.” But in reality he cares a lot, his tone of voice just puts it off. He loves Milk Duds and coffee. And he loves Slime Rancher 2, GTA V online, and talking to his friends. If you ever happen to get a Kaleb Fowler, don’t forget to tell him you love him every day. He’s incredibly special, even the most brutal people love him.
Actual conversation I had about a Kaleb Fowler:

Friend: If you hurt him I’m gonna hurt you.
Me: I love him. I would never hurt him.
Friend: Good.

Me: He’s very lovable.

Friend: Yeah, he is.

Me: I love Kaleb Fowler.

by Nyx Dawn October 1, 2022


Kaleb is a pussy air force cadet who all of the rank hate. His only friends are ranks below him and his intake is also hated.

Conversation Example:
FSGT: We need a competent leading cadet to do this job
Kaleb: *raises hand*
FSGT: Ignores and asked the WOOF

Oh shit kaleb just sat down with us at mess

by SuccEgg January 6, 2018


A guy who tends to have a good style that consists of band tshirts, flannels, cowboy boots, and a leather jacket. He loves to joke with his friends and thrives on dark humor. He is a responsible and respectful when he is needed to be though. Kaleb has many talents and uses them to his advantage. He is smart and is willing to help you out. Kaleb is tall, blue eyes and brown hair. A simple smile from him can make your day. But when you are alone with him, he is the most caring guy you will ever meet. Kaleb loves old music and old cars. He will tell you about them all the time when he can. Lastly, he is an old man at heart and you will never see him without a cross word puzzle book.

person 1: hey who is that? he is always wearing those cowboy boots.

person 2: ah, that’s just kaleb.

by urmothashouse March 31, 2022


is the boy you would lose all of your respect for, GIVE UP YOUR MORALS FOR, he can slut you out anyday. Kaleb is smooth, disrespectful in all the ways possible. Will beat you up and the next minute finger you in class. He is also bi, he gets the best of both worlds. THIS MAN IS PACKING, IM TALKIN INCHESSSSSSSSS. Kaleb is probably the most shameless person you’ll ever meet. When he gets close to you it’s like a whole nother side that you never knew. He will hold you, caress you, tease you. Kaleb is the only one you ever allowed to be close to you the way he was, the only one allowed to touch you. Kaleb is the only one you’ve ever cried over. Kaleb is the only one you truly wanted attention from. Kaleb is the one you go to bed thinking about. Kaleb will have you DOWN BAD forreal.

Jalen: Yo you like Kaleb?
Jae: OMG YES, I would do anything for him!
Jalen: Damn J you down bad fa this nigha😂

by CheeseAndCracjers May 23, 2022


Kaleb is an over weight person who thinks he is all that but could never get a girl. He likes to act tough, but could get beat up by the weakest link in a group. He tries to act black, but gets bullied by the black people for trying to act like them.

Lauren: dang that fat guy over there is a total kaleb

William: ya he's trying to hard to be black

Lauren: I could never date a keleb

by Hefgkgddhjjhgry May 1, 2020