The biggest fuck you anyone can receive
Me, Life why are you so cruel.
Life, go fuck yourself .
Me, good talk.
The simulation in which the CIA is testing on innocent children to study human emotion and mind process. Wake up. It's all not real.
"Just living life" - Any Douche bag
Something that makes my depressed to think about
Something that is meaningless, and empty.
What is the point of life?
The answer is to live in life.
What I mean is shown in Harry Potter. It says:
Neither can live while the other survives.
What it means by that is neither can live a proper life whilst the other is still alive.
That is, to mean, what a life is.
Life is hell
What you don't have.
I can prove that you don't have a Life by the fact that you're looking at the definition of Life on Urbandictionary.
Completely and perfectly fair.
Iam "People often claim 'life isn't fair.' I don't think that's true. You have no frame of reference for that statement. Unless you can deduce the relative 'unfairness' of 'un-life' you have nothing to compare 'life' to in terms of 'fairness.' It seems (to me) that it's perfectly fair."
Hym "It's the people who are 'unfair.' Deceit and hypocrisy and malice taint a perfectly fair world."
Iam "It's not their fault. It's hard to even conceptualize what would be considered 'fair.' "
Chillin in the sun with a joint enjoying the first tan. ,Bro, that’s the life’ ,Yeah, we’re lifing hard, dude’
when u r born u wear diapers all day and smell like shit 24/7
when u r about 12-17 u begin to get lots of boners and u r unsure of why and u r looking for ways not to get boners when you see your friends mom
when u r about 20-30 u r lookin for girls and tryin to make money.
when u r about 35-45 u r lookin for a side girl cuz u got a stupid lazy ass wife at home that dont do shit other than watch that fat bitch oprah.
when u r about 50-60 u r gettin no boners and u r unsure why. u r also looking for ways to get a boner when you look at yer childrens mom.
when u r about 70-death u wear diapers all day and smell like shit 24/7.
30👍 21👎