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Libby is a beautiful girl who is caring and is very loved. That flowy brown hair and kind eyes. If you have a Libby is your life, hold her close!

“It that Libby dancing to bartier carti?” -stranger

“I’m so lucky to be her friend” -Clara

by that1girlwiththeawesomefriend May 24, 2018


super annoying and does not acknowledge thanksgiving as a holiday. Definitely the ugly best friend, dated and had sex with leo

boy 1: Hear Libby kissed leo?
boy2: Ye everyone knows.

by deez_nuts420 November 11, 2020


Libby is a girl who is very gay She loves gingers and blue energy drinks. Her bestfriend in the whole wide world is Jenna and libby likes to talk to people abot train fairs and poor people (FUCK THE PATRIARCHY)

Jenna: hi libby how u doing

by Lous bestie November 18, 2021


Short, sassy, very sarcastic, sweet when you don’t piss her off and has such a nice smile cause she doesn’t have her braces anymore. She also loves Vaseline on her face and has the nicest lashes

“Omg there’s Libby! She’s shorter than I imagined..”

Heyyy Libby you’re glowing today!”

by Cupcake kitten June 28, 2022


Libby is an annoying, tree trunk of a British girl, who lies out of her bottom, and think's she's the bees knees. Spoiler alert: She's not. She will help bake a cake for an amazing girl called Shannon, and then lie about hating her. She thinks she's brill, but trust me, she sure isn't.

"What did Libby tell you?"
"She said that you had said you hated her, and then said 'But I told her it was okay, because I hate her too.'"

by IWasChokedByAnEllie2002 August 23, 2019


The most fakest girl you can ever meet. She’ll talk about you behind your back and act like you guys are best friends. Also she really ugly

Person 1: hey do you know libby?
Person 2: oh yeah that fake pick me that is hideous?

Person 1: damn

by littlecheesecake110 July 7, 2022


libby is a fat ugly snake who shags ur ex and has chlamydia. she’s a prostitute and will go after your first love. she lies about everything like her brother being the baddest man alive and she killed her ex. she’s a weirdo with no mates and should just kill herself

‘did you hear about what a snake libby is?’
‘yeah she should just end it already

by just shut up libby November 12, 2023