A slang for the anus/butthole.
Colin:" I'd love to tongue punch Janet in her fart lounge
Austin:"I know man. Who wouldn't?"
A strip club and lounge owned by former dancer Exotic Dreamm.
Body Language Lounge got the best girls in the city.
A place for absolute crackheads that is the basement below general chat
Sanford: Hank, have you seen Mod Maker Lounge?
Hank: I will not go into the basement.
A very chaotic discord channel on the Friday Night Moddin' server.
David: Hey dude, have you been to Mod Maker Lounge on the FNM server recently?
Tom: Do you mean Hell, David?
Place full of retards speaking about Friday Night Funkin' and how they suck each others dick . Also known as Mod Maker Lodge.
"(On the Mod Maker Lounge channel on the discord server)
"+Sexualizing minors isnt okay"
"-No yours tupid lmao"
"*This place is a mess im going to smmp"
a place w/ too much fucking arguing owned by a gay fag named landon
fuck jets lounge dean is cooler