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Mathew Adams

“Define Mathew:
Tiny eyes
Has never (will) never get a girl friend

Starts drama
Makes people feel bad

ewwwwwww look there’s Mathew Adams gross my poor eyes I can’t see anymore”!!!!🤨😡😒

by Gruby.geo March 1, 2018

Mathew cash

A guy who is usually gay and thinks he is good at soccer but then gets meged 1 million times

Mathew cash is gay

by Ankith hater November 11, 2017

mathew bury

A stupid fucking bitch who dyed his hair green for a week to look like the joker, this cock sucker has a subreddit called r/mathew_funny where his friends make fun of him for being the loser that he is.

See mathew bury over there? I hate that guy

by Coolbuffguy123 November 1, 2019

mathew netardus

He is mean to every body and hates his girlfriend

Your a dick Mathew netardus

by Sup nigger July 4, 2017