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Penalty merchant

The definition of a penalty merchant is Manchester United

Man United are such penalty merchants

by Jack furey March 2, 2021

71πŸ‘ 135πŸ‘Ž

pace merchant

when your name is Max Emilian Verstappen and you outdrive a 7 time champ to the title because you're simply that good

- ''Max is the GOAT''
- ''Yeah, agreed, he's a true pace merchant''

by kasperisafraud January 18, 2022

4πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Kayak merchant

An un-healthy attraction to kayaks, kayak merchants can often be found in opaque rivers touching themselves inappropriatly in front of other kayakers, also found to be wacking off over kayaks

'Look at that dirty kayak merchant over there, the disgusting chode merchant ginger pheasant raper'

by Price & Sam December 3, 2009

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Happiness merchant

The person who supplies all the nitrous oxide at the party.

*Condent hands Alex a balloon of nos*
*Alex consumes balloon*
Condent: OIII I'm the happiness merchant!!!

by Condent March 17, 2021

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Hype Merchant

A rare breed of a character that raises other human beings buzz levels by a minimum of 6 notches within a 20 metre radius. Also, has the ability to talk about Public Enemy for a solid 37 minutes without breathing but may produce over enthusiastic hand movements/gestures whilst doing so that do have the capacity to offend the weak willed amongst us. Highly likely to pass out in a nightclub around the 2am mark due to consuming too many ales.

A typical quote from a Hype Merchant would be along the following lines...'My buzz levels were off the richter in the warm up, unbelievable scenes...'

by Nottsborough FC January 7, 2013

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

dirt merchant

A derogatory term for a scuzzy wannabe-hippie drug dealer, primarily selling skunkweed and possibly a little fake blotter acid for good measure. Always unwashed, with greasy matted hair (typically dreadlocks), the dirt merchant has horrible B.O. with an over-stench of patchouli mixed into it. Filthy feet poking out of Birkenstocks and lots of hemp jewelry are a hallmark of the dirt merchant, as is the inability to form a coherent sentence. Favorite bands are The Grateful Dead (of course), Phish, and the String Cheese Incident. Probably homeless, though he or she may live in a busted-down bus or VW Vanagon, probably with at least 5 other dirt merchants and one or two stinky dogs.

That dirt merchant just tried to sell me a bag of shake for $35!

Shit, remember that dirt merchant I met who was slinging acid next to that Port-o-Potty at the String Cheese Incident show? She totally gave me crabs, man!

by Lady Tangerine August 3, 2010

18πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

dirt merchant

derogatory term for paparazzi, or anyone involved in the tabloid magazine/celebrity gossip business

β€œthose guys at TMZ are a bunch of dirt merchants”

β€œPerez Hilton is a fucking low life, piece of shit, ass face, dirt merchant”

by tl77 November 24, 2010

14πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž