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Fuck you mother Fucker

To tell someone your pissed at them and or for no reason at all just for the hell of it.

Black guy 1: ha ha your gay you bitch
White guy 1: Fuck you mother Fucker!
Black guy 1: *Pulls out gun* what bitch
White guy 1: put that shit away bitch before i shoot your ass
Black guy 1: with what bitch?
White guy 1: *pulls out Desert Eagle* this bitch
Black guy 1: ok fine ill back off
Qhite guy 1: *shoots black guy 1 in the head then steals money from black guy 1*

by sam bewley February 17, 2008

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donkey dicked mother fucker

One who is characterized by their flaccid, less than stallion sized unit

Jr. couldn't pick up a hooker in Vegas, that donkey dicked mother fucker!

by Jasonjackadams August 24, 2005

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poo ass mother fucker

someone that is a fucking imbasole or a word that you could
call someone you hate.

You stupid poo ass mother fucker!

by kenny zero0000 December 27, 2007

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Smart Ass Mother Fucker

Very similar to Bad Ass Mother Fucker only instead of being a Bad Ass your a Smart Ass (and not a bad kind of smart ass).

guy 1 "John can do particle nuclear physics in his head while high!"

guy 2 " Yeah John is one Smart Ass Mother Fucker"

by Jesus37295 January 1, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

mother fuckin mother fucker

1. some who has sex with a mother figure of some one they know, this person is also a mother fucker ( see mother fucker )

2. a blonde haired athletic trainer

1. rob is such a mother fuckin mother fucker.

2. That blonde athletic trainer is a real mother fuckin mother fucker

by burzy August 29, 2003

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rich cocksucking mother fucker

A man who lives in the suburbs who likes to buy things and return them for gay reasons. Mainly someone who has nothing better to do with their money and has no bills to pay.

Sean is a rich cocksucking mother fucker because he bought a treo phone and returned it the very next day.

by bigmike06 September 10, 2006

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poor cocksucking mother fucker

A middle class guy who lives in a suburban area only because he lives with his parents, otherwise he'd be living in a shithole on the south side of Chicago. This candidate also possesses thrifty values and isn't afraid to turn down a movie or mini-golfing with his friends because he feels $7 is too much to have 2 hours of fun. Mainly, someone who has nothing better to do with their money but to save it and never enjoy life.

Mike is a poor cocksucking mother fucker because decided to sit at home online and continually check myspace and facebook instead of spending $7 to have a quality time with his friends.

by SWhockey98 September 11, 2006

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