Mu Lait is a very defined sexy person with an amazing personality, intelligence, incredibly athletic and secretly has a very aesthetic physique because of their home gym
Mu Lait is also very lonely, both introverted and extroverted depending on their mentality and is very tuff on themself but keeps it to themself.
Mu Lait is unique
the WORST gamemode in item asylum (seriously how do people find this fun)
ok but this gamemode is basically mm2, but with a new class (jester), no signs of those annoying ass coins, and clues, also known as motivation to explore the map (i always hide lol)
innocent: the most boring role. might as well sleep tbh
sheriff: innocent but you have a gun. yay!!!!!!!
murderer: killer guy
jester: trickster that tries to get shot by the sheriff
Cruel King: MU IA sucks... Might as well sleep.
GR13F3R: WH47. Y0U 54Y MU 5UCK5? 1LL BR34K Y0 KN33C4P5!
the best rapper to ever fucking live, known for his song tension
Have you heard Lil Mu Nati's new song
master of the gawk gawk 3000
omg leftheraki-mu do be giving that vacuum seal double hand twist gawk gawk combo 3000