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nicky lauder

Cockney Rhyming slang for powder - cocaine.

can you sort us a gram of nicky me old mucker.

by ebeneezeer October 26, 2003

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Nicky baby

A quite charming young lad with an affinity for all things EXPLOSIVE. You will often find Nicky Baby surrounded by women with incredible WAPs or at the tippy top of a 60 foot tree - or both. The master crippler of global economies, Nicky Baby not only pulls the money but also the ladies. When the mood is right, Nicky is known to dabble in frisky and freaky behaviors with more than 3 participants. As Nicky Baby famously says, “The more the merrier”


by camelscigco September 27, 2020

nicky zhou

he is very fat and a cute asian boy, who loves and cares about his family and friends. He will always take rice over junk food or burgers.

Nicky Zhou is asian and east rice

by Nicky Zhou February 26, 2019

pull a nicky

When someone reads a text and never responds

Anna read my breakup text and decided to pull a nicky.

by Carrie Serenade January 2, 2014

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Pulling a Nicky

When someone you know begins to ignore you. Specifically if someone ignores you because they have recently gotten into a relationship. If a friend of yours gets into a relationship and suddenly begins to ignore you more, chances are they're pulling a nicky.

Once they get into a relationship, they will likely not want to spend time with you and refuse your requests to meet up and instead spend all of their time with their partner.

Person 1: have you seen John lately?

Person 2: nope, haven't seen him. He's recently got himself a girlfriend though.

Person 1: oh no! He's not pulling a Nicky is he!?

by TheDanime November 12, 2017

Nicky's Law

When you stand in line for something and the line gets significantly longer after you get in line

A: Good thing we lined up 5 minutes ago, the line got twice as long.

B: That's Nicky's Law!

by ykjs June 23, 2013

Nicky Cadden

Beat footballer in the entire universe

Nicky Cadden is the goat

by Koupelna_ August 2, 2021