Sucker Idolising Mediocre Pussy (SIMP).
The act of a beta male worshipping women who dont deserve it because they believe it will get them in favour with women for sexual benefit.
This act includes being a puppet for her to manipulate as she deems fit; offering to provide unrequited time and resources to the woman; agreeing to everything she says without question or challenge; Building up her self esteem by telling her that she is beautiful and liking her social media photos (a counterproductive exercise for a Simp to do as it makes a woman feel like she's too good for him); Being her emotional tampon when she needs a shoulder to cry on in between all her failed alpha boyfriend relationships; and the act of "White-Knighting" which is defending a woman's poor behaviour irrespective when she is in the wrong.
Man, stop Simping over that woman. She has you by the balls and you're thinking with your little head instead of your big head! She's not worth it.
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Simping, known to simps as "modern day chivalry" is an extremely serious violation of the bro code, and is against the saying, 'bros before hoes'. Instead, it is basically 'hoes before bros'. To simp is to try to gain the attention and play from a person that has caught the simp's eye. Simping never works, and it just makes you look like a pathetic piece of pond scum. A simp will do anything to try and appeal to the person being simped on, even spend their life savings on them.
Bro 1: Hey, where's Bro 3?
Bro 2: Oh, me and Bro 4 caught him simping.
Bro 1: Should we forgive him? He shares great memes, after all.
Bro 2: a b s o l u t e l y n o t
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When you desperately like someone who's way out of your league and try to impress them at any chance; Also works with celebrities.
When you like someone so much you exaggerate their features and treat them as better than they are.
I simp Alison Shaw of the band Cranes.
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Someone who is overly nice to a girl just so they can be bf and gf. Hopefully I get the lyrics to the Simp Scale song.
If you're only being nice
'Cause you wanna lay the pipe,
You're a simp.
You're a simp, you're a simp!
When you pay for all the clothes
And then she says, "Thank you, bro"
You're a simp.
You're a simp, you're a simp!
You’re a simp, you’re a simp!
No, you’ve never been a pimp.
You’re a simp, you’re a simp!
And that's why we ran a train on your bitch
You're a simp, you're a simp.
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Jacob was such a simp for Anne he threw her a Harry Potter themed birthday
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A person who tries to get one girl no matter how many times they’ve been friend zoned or rejected
Bruh Kaeden stop simping, Mallory doesn’t like you. You’ve been trying for over a year and she still doesn’t like you.
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Is the condition of a former pimp going sissy wimp for a girl—love whipped, willing to do anything, and acting so outta character, he making even hisself and his homeboys sick. (girly, wussy, sissy, whipped).
Ya straight simpin’
Don’t be such a simp…
What a simp!
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