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was made for me and you (yes i did the whole lyrics for the song look in my definitions)


by noahtheclown May 8, 2020

7👍 1👎


Honestly the most painful thing I have ever experienced so far in my life. A source of endless inspiration/pain/euphoria, and a complete reliance on one person to control everything you think or feel.

Unrequited love: When you love someone irrationally as they don't feel the same about you, yet they are all you think about at any time of night or day, whatever you are doing or whoever you are with and it's so painful it makes you want to scream. They are the only person you would wish to describe it to, and the only one you can't.

Do you know how much I love you?

by Amy.v.Wilson November 12, 2005

370👍 192👎


A powerful feeling of tenderness towards another, mainly due to personal ties. Often, when you love somebody, you want the best for them and can't bear the thought of them in pain.

Love takes many forms:
-Between parent and child.
-Between friends.
-Between owner and pet.
-Between sweethearts/spouses. The most common thought that springs to mind when love is mentioned.

And sweethearts/spouses are not limited to husband and wife; wife/wife and husband/husband is not uncommon and it is just as passionate and sweet as heterosexual unions.

Love is all the same; it's spelled with the same letters for everyone. And, when love is allowed in, it conquers just about anything.


Tha mi ‘na dhuine...(I’m his husband)

“‘S e a leannan a th’annam.” (“It is his lover that I am.”)
Tha sin mar a thuirt mi! An tuig? (That’s what I said! Understood?)
Carson a tha sibh ag rĂ dh nach fhaod mi (Why are you saying that I may not)
E fhaicinn?! Dh’fhon mise ‘n ospadal, thainig (See him?! I phoned the hospital, I came)
Mise leis, is tha sibh mar seo gam làimhseachadh?! (With him, and you’re treating me like this?!)
Na abairibh thugam nach fhaod mi (Don’t say to me that I may not)
E fhaicinn! Tha ‘n còir sin agam! (See him! I have that right!)

Bha sinn còmhla ri còig bliadhnaichean (We have been together for twenty-five)
Fhichead, o chionn colaide...! (Years, since college...!)
Agus chan eil na còirean no na leasan (And we still don’t have the rights)
Phòsaidh againn fhathast! Seallaibh pàrantan (Or the benefits of marriage! Behold those)
Òga sin! Cha robh iad còmhla (Young parents! They haven’t been together)
Deich bliadhnaichean, agus tha na còirean aca! (Ten years, and they have the rights!)

Dè ‘n cuid nach eil sibh a’ tuigsinn?! (What part are you not understanding?!)
Tha gaol agam dha! ‘S e cèilean a th’annain (I love him! It is practically husbands)
Gu dèantach! Carson a cha thuig sibh?! (That we are! Why won’t you understand?!)
Ma bàsaichidh e, anas dèidh (If he’ll die, after that,)
Sin, dè tachairidh thugam...?! Air an sùchd Dè, (What will happen to me...?! For God’s sake,)
Leigibh mi faic e...! (Let me see him...!)

Theireadh sibh seo thugam...?! (You would say this to me...?!)
O Mhoire! O Dhia, carson?! (O Mary! O God, why?!)

Aig lugha abairibh thugam (At least say to me)
Gum bi e gu math. Ma ‘s e ur toil e...! (That he will be all right. Please...!)
Ma ‘s e ur toil e...! (If you please...!)

Mo leannan...!
(My darling...!)

by Lorelili March 26, 2005

37👍 14👎


Love is a feeling of unconditional affection. Love has no questions and not intentions. You dont love a person for a reason or for returns. You just love the person for who that person is.

Love is what our parents do for us... and initially the rest is all lust.

by amzoyoo February 14, 2005

100👍 46👎



that is all. love is over-rated. eh.

by ._____________. October 8, 2011

24👍 8👎


love is when you care for someone so much it hurts.
its when you only want whats best for them, when you care for them, even if they hurt and destroy you.

its when you still love them even if they betray you. when you jump to their defence, to protect them, even if it costs you everything.
when you believe in them no matter what.
when you want whats best for them, even if that means you arent a part of their lives.

the word "love" has been misused a lot in recent years, but for those of you who have lost hope, i say this... DONT! never EVER give up, because otherwise the love you felt was false, and wallowing in your own self pity will not help. if you truly love them, you will never EVER give up, never stop trying. you will always want them to be happy, but you will also never give up on them, and never give up hope. maybe you will even go all out and prove to them that you are worthy of their care.

why do i say all this? because i have loved, and been burned by love. and i'm still going.

to all you losers out there who think love is BS... to be perfectly frank you are stupid, and missing out on something great.

love is something different to each individual, and cannot really be defined except as a strong feeling or emotion between two people.

this definition is kinda my outlook on what love has been for me so far.

ok, longish definition, but its true. luck to you all in finding this, and if you do, dont give up on it.

when you will always be there for the person you love, no matter what.

by M.C.Jomar March 30, 2006

64👍 27👎


A feeling for another person so pure and sacred that nobody can define it to its true extent. It is what a person feels for another without any kind of physical or mental barrier between them. They live purely to be with the other to share experiences, pleasures, problems and pain.

Sadly, the word love is so overused and underrated in the soceity of today, that saying a simple "I love you" could mean something as plain and crude as "I'm really drunk and I want to ride you". It's the sad reality, but love is no longer a word of passion that it was. Unless of course there is that feeling between two people that starts deep in the darkest chamber of their heart and spreads through every cell in their body until it dominates their thoughts.

With love there comes a sense of numbness, that sense that you cannot actually believe what is happening because it seems to be impossible that this is what is actually going on. Being with the person you have longed to be with for so long.

Of course, as with everything, there is a down side to love aswell if it doesn't work out as it so certainly should have. The fair truth is that love hurts. Not like a physical pain, or even like the pain of a big dissapointment. It is a form of pain so overwhelming that it is like love itself in the sense that it occupies all of your thoughts, but instead of the thoughts being good ones, they are replaced with images of what could have been. What should have been. It consumes every aspect of your life for a period of time; relevant to how powerful the feeling of love was in the first place.

Be careful with love, it's a killer.

I love Sophie with all my heart.

Love hurts.

by Zeddeh December 24, 2005

335👍 175👎