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This Person is an "Old Junkie" and is now a proud member of an anonymous organization that meets in church basements.

They read from a big blue book.
And tell stories about their dumb boring lives and how they don't abuse drugs or alcohol.

They also promote only men with men and women with women in relationships, along with worshipping false GODS.

I guess if that's what your into, there's not much wrong with that.

My friend Jordan is an OJ but, doesn't like the CULT.

by TVCAR5150 January 28, 2025


tastes like shit u r better off drinking ur own piss

Yo do u have any oj, no that tastes like literal doo doo bruh

by gaypornayyyyyyd December 18, 2020


The size of someone’s organtueous thigh that has been overgrown with causes chub rub in both the inner right and left thigh this also causes pain and makes it increasingly hard to walk as time goes on. Legend has it that 1 in 10,000,000 people have this condition causing it to be extremely rare. However there is a solution but first don’t get head over heals ha ha ha. The operation will be life changing and could potentially be fatal so I advice to talk about going through with the operation first before your final decision as you may regret it.

OJ’s organeous thights we’re increasingly large causing their to be pain as well as discomfort as it took up all the space down the corridor.

by Roger carpal November 25, 2018


most commonly known on Discord as "orange juice".

OJ. *spills the juice*

by BanisherDispenser300 January 7, 2023



OJ why inanimate insanity BUT fuk dis

by InanimateInsanityFan6868 August 7, 2022


a male...

Knife:Hi OJ

by InanimateInsanityFan6868 August 6, 2022


Literally a fucking character from Inanimate Insanity/Ronpa
He's orange juice!

I'm looking at you, Paper.

Person 1: Hey, Do you know OJ From Inanimate Insanity?
Person 2: Yeah!

by Mechar_Balls October 20, 2022