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Opposite of perfect

The opposite of perfect is Kelton Crawford he is such a fuck up literally no one likes him not even his family or friends hes an abberisment to everyone and will never have his own family or house and hardly even a high school education

The opposite of perfect is Kelton Crawford he is such a fuck up literally no one likes him not even his family or friends

"Eww why is he so ugly and fat he doesn't even have a neck"
"Why are most of his friends girls that's weird"

"Kelton is such a retard he's in 30-4 I didn't even know 30-3 was a thing"

"He's never going to be successful, have a family or own his own house"

"Kelton is such an abbericmant to his family"

"Guys got more chins then a Chinese phone book"

"Ewww why is he so ugly I wouldn't touch him with a 10ft pole

He has such a small dick I guess it matches his brain"

by brawadis December 9, 2019

Opposite Day bylaws

Opposite Day has certain rules that are exempt such as kissing contracts

Shaina can’t back out because it’s in the Opposite Day bylaws

by Dirrin Kemball March 17, 2020