The act of inserting two pints of lager into a persons vaginal og rectal opening using force.
Fisting 2 pints required all of Jacks strength. But Jill insisted they could fit.
A YouTuber that make videos about Minecraft and other stupid stuff
I watch pint size Jedi on YouTube
You organise a meeting with a colleague, go to the pub instead, neck a drink, come back.
*Pat on the back - good meeting*
Is it wine time yet?
Not yet... fancy a turbo pint?
Let's go!
A way of saying thank you to someone for doing you a favour on the internet as you can't meet the person and buy them a real pint!
"My software version 2.6 is crashing can anyone help"
"yes, version 2.6 has a bug, you need to upgrade to version 2.7"
"Great that works! Thanks! I'm sending you an e-pint!"
- a half pint
- someone who isn’t able to have a full pint
- a pussy who likes to think they can drink with the lads
- puts their dick in the glass after
Oi, I’m not able to have a full one, grab me a pussy pint
A phrase commonly used by people to determin how many pints of beer they would need to consume before they would shag someone (usually aimed at a mid or ugly female).
*Weight loss advert appears on TV with a fat lady*
Joe: *points at the TV* "Hey Billy how many pints?"
Billy: "At least 4"
A person who is easy to get into bed, what sometimes is referred to as a cheap date.
It only took a half pint to get them to bed