When a graduate of the Syracuse University S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications gets a job in sports media despite a lack of knowledge, talent, energy, or passion through cronyism or nepotism.
Can you believe hapless WFAN hires all these talentless Orange Privilege charity cases?
To avoid any unwanted social event, gathering or function without shame or guilt by using the pandemic as an excuse.
I didn't want to see this guy who keeps texting me. So even though I'm cool with seeing people, I used my covid privilege to get out of it. LOL
Being sexy enough to be stored in someone’s basement
“Aw Arthur definitely has basement privileges”
“You just lost your basement privileges”
The act of garnering Internet support through the shaming of others who you perceive as “privileged” . These attacks consist of “skinny privilege” “Beautiful privilege” “white privilege” or any other privilege you can come up with to attack someone for. If you cry enough and receive mass internet support from others , this then puts you in a position of jealousy privilege. You’ve become so professionally enraged about the makeup of others and have used it to your advantage.
Teresa they/them has used her jealousy privilege to gain 78,000 Twitter followers and a blue check Mark. She consistently critiques others for their “privilege” even though she’s White ,300 lbs , wears glasses , no love life
and has bright purple hair ! She really should be working on herself before criticizing others, but her fan base keeps eating it up!
The privilege of always being right in the eyes of the left there for making you immune to criticism from leftists.
Jason has libiral privilege he can say whatever he want's
It is the definition of privilege for not having to get vaccinated for past diseases in this day and age because they've all been 'eradicated'.
You have eradication privilege if you think you don't need to get vaccinated.
Having access to actually good pizza places because you live on the east coast yet ignoring it.
Shane lives on the East Coast so he has access to good Pizza, yet he abuses his Pizza Privilege and goes to Papa Johns or Blaze Pizza