similar to dick rehab, dickness protection is when you have to avoid a toxic, walking red flag man. it's more of an extremity to dick rehab where that is mainly getting over said man and dickness protection is completely avoiding and ghosting said man for your own mental protection
bri: holy shit its so bad i dont even know how im going to talk to him again
aurora: just go into dickness protection
similar to dick rehab, dickness protection is when you have to avoid a toxic, walking red flag man. it's more of an extremity to dick rehab where that is mainly getting over said man and dickness protection is completely avoiding and ghosting said man for your own mental protection
bri: holy shit its so bad i dont even know how im going to talk to him again
aurora: just go into dickness protection
Imprisonment designed to shield someone from swearing and other crude language.
What good is protective cusstody if da jailers and other officials of da clink grumble and/or shout profanity/obscenity-laced remarks themselves?!??
Protective Eating occurs mostly when your with friends or family at not so ''fancy'' eateries
Physically blocking, protecting your food from others trying to eat them such as protective eating.
Keep your friends and family close and help them with past problems with rape its very serious and should be treated as such it isnt a joke!
Whats Today?
Its NPARD(National Protection Against Rape Day)! Dont Worry girl i got your back together we can fight against rape!
Someone who does not have a hot face but has a hot ass body
Damn Tina don't you think max is hot?!
Na b he protective hot af tho!
Protecting your energy means being cautious who, where, and what you put your time into. Protecting your energy involves judging your reactions based on how much involvement you want in a person or situation. Protecting your energy means to allow your heart and mind to work together. To live in the moment with being concerned for the future and without being hateful of the past.
You need to protect your energy above all else.