When a man has some personal happy time
I caught Dirty Dave jazzin the pup last night. He was barking. Woof woof 🐶
Chikili pups is meant to be someone so stupid that they would search up "how to breathe"
Person 1: Hey Person 2, how to breathe
Person 2: You're a Chikili pups!
Used when your talking to @samanthabrooke54 or @samanthababy28 on tiktok. Use this when your feeling frustrated or mad towards her
Ugh Samantha you are such a little QUEEF PUP !!!
Small Blue with white\skyblue stripe's species ov simlar 2 human, off Earth planet, intelligent entitee. Age ov consent 16age they are 3-4ft tall with elongated scull's. Almond eye's similar 2 human's. triangular shapped ear's.
I had some visitor's the other day, they looked like Pup's.