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Jazzin the pup

When a man has some personal happy time

I caught Dirty Dave jazzin the pup last night. He was barking. Woof woof 🐶

by Breeeeaaaaaaad September 5, 2015

chikili pups

Chikili pups is meant to be someone so stupid that they would search up "how to breathe"

Person 1: Hey Person 2, how to breathe
Person 2: You're a Chikili pups!

by Noobamooba December 10, 2022

Queef pup

Used when your talking to @samanthabrooke54 or @samanthababy28 on tiktok. Use this when your feeling frustrated or mad towards her

Ugh Samantha you are such a little QUEEF PUP !!!

by Sheep78 February 8, 2022


1 hundred dollars

“Yo plug you got me a Mike Vick for the pup?

by DickieDoThangz January 19, 2022


Small Blue with white\skyblue stripe's species ov simlar 2 human, off Earth planet, intelligent entitee. Age ov consent 16age they are 3-4ft tall with elongated scull's. Almond eye's similar 2 human's. triangular shapped ear's.

I had some visitor's the other day, they looked like Pup's.

by Starnauwrght November 13, 2022


Two people (commonly younger teens) with curvy bodies


by Ban is here July 12, 2021


The (king) of the house, also known as King

You Are A (PUP)

by Trombone King August 18, 2020