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Pa Ta Sa

Small town near Eunice where they eat potatoes and bread, armadillo on the half shell, grobek omelets and ASS

Y’all come to Pa Ta Sa chill with Connor Manuel and T-Boo and let’s get powyied.

by Scattergascar November 30, 2018

24πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

de sa race

Litterally "of his race"

Used as a complement to an insult to reinforce it

Putain de sa race - Bitch of her race

by antben January 3, 2012

Sa ka fet?

french patois or creole definition of what's up or what's going on

Sa ka fet?

by KreYoL Vybz June 17, 2015

94πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

sa moara fapta

romanian expression, used mostly when you're drunk as fuck, or just eating some quality wood

1. corcod: ba frattzie lemnu asta are un gust teribil de fain!
bob: sa moara fapta!

2. kyrali: mi-au furat toata iarba, futu-i in gat de unguri!
csarda: sa-ti moara faptii.

by gerfoamea August 19, 2006

30πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

sa da tay

A verbal thumbs up.

Another way of telling someone that everything is cool or fine. A way of expressing a calm sense of being okay with things. A placid sentiment of being cool.

BRUTHA 1: "Whoops. I didn't mean to spill my forty on your shirt! Oh dude, I'm sorry. Can you ever forgive me?"

BRUTHA 2: "Sah-dah-tay."

Say Sah-dah-tay and feel okay!

by Aitlan Favafa April 22, 2005

155πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž

sa da tay

Translation to "What can I say?"

"What do you think about that Pooty Tang?"

"Sa da tay."

by Septic February 13, 2005

272πŸ‘ 125πŸ‘Ž


A junkie suburb in the northen outer part of Adelaide owned by the city of playford coucil

oi bruv some lads tried to beat me up at Elizabeth,SA,Australia when i got of the traino i smashed there face in but look at the blood on me

by AnonymousAustralianGuy February 16, 2019