a shortened version of salisbury university, sals is used to describe things that have the same energy as the university and the people who attend it. typically, actions that align most closely with people who peaked in high school suit this term best. people often misuse sals to describe things that are lame or cringe, but things that are sals have a very specific energy to them. you will know what is sals when you see it.
person 1: bruh this girl spammed her story last with videos of her at a party it was so annoying
person 2: omg that’s so sals. how badly does she need people to think she’s cool
umm idk how to explain him except a 3 foot tall hype beast who has braces and a new pair of 600 dollar sneakers every day. You probably have one of these at your school.
sal stop those aligator shoes are ugly.
The hottest man you'll ever see. You can find him on impractical jokers
A person that was roasted so hard that even the teacher laughs at him.
Did you hear how bad saL got roasted? He has to write his name with a capital "L" from now on.
A person who has no respect for women. Oddly tall with skinny legs and italian asshole hair. You could probably braid them. Small weenie but swears its big. A Sal is someone who lost their virginity in fifth grade, having 8 bodies by the beginning of freshman year. Blames everything on others (especially former exes). Swears he does nothing wrong when all he does is hoe around. Sals never see the bad in what they've done and never take responsibility. Has many beautiful exes that others do not understand how he got to be with them considering his shitty personality.
"Omg did you hear what sal did to his ex? Hes crazy."
"I wouldn't want to get into a relationship with a sal"