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Serangoon Secondary School

Welcome to North East most budget school. A school with ur typical xmm and xdds, minahs and matreps. If i were you, I would highly recommend u never put the school as ur secondary school option.

Mdm Tay Siok Hwa. a old lady running a secondary school and has no idea what shes doing as a principal. Everything here is on a budget. Toilets , Classrooms floors which look like it used to be a fkin cemetery and any horrendous environment u can imagine.

John: hi im ur interviewer what school are u from?
you: serangoon secondary school
John: goodbye

by mygugubirdislong July 22, 2022

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Columbia Secondary School

Columbia sucks. 90% of teachers are white. The dean got fired because a student called black people apes.

Person 1: I go to Columbia Secondary School
Person 2: Iโ€™m sorry

by a sad student February 26, 2021

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Columbia Secondary School

A broke and STOOPID school that has a lot of bad children and is not a school you want to go to.

You have to be really smart to get into Columbia Secondary School


by CSS STUDENT March 18, 2019

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Admiralty Secondary School

People assert dominance on the first day of school to see who would be voted as class chairman.
Mr Chong greets everyone no matter what and is a great teacher.

Admiralty Secondary School is a school I'd go to without regrets.

by SangwooOh August 21, 2021

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Kranji Secondary School

Kranji Secondary School has raised successful tik tokers from 4 and 5na . School itself and generally smart but some cb dk how to teach, School recently getting trended by our monkey king, most recent of him getting trended was a show of him wiping his ass with drain water, Discipline Master is nice if he knows you but disrupts during eating time. We were raised right with a motto of brkthruu where students kick soccer ball thru the window. Students are top tier elites plus famous tik tok stars, Lovely school but can be worse from day to day. bus stop to school so far not my fault i am late, Voting monkey king of kss to lead the schhol in future, Krani for lifee. Exp ppl look down na bunch of nerds 4k1 till 4k5 noob

Harrendra: Wht school u from
Joseph: I tik tok schhol
Farhan: U mst be ftom kranji secondary school

by LegendaryJohnnySins August 25, 2021

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Greendale Secondary School

Greendale Secondary School is a great school and choosing between Edgefield, Greendale and Punggol Sec. I recommand primary school students to go to Greendale. Teachers are alot more caring, the environment and behaviour is alot more positive.

Greendale Secondary School is where i can call home.

by Greendalepride2021 August 16, 2021

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Columbia Secondary School

A school in New York City where students have fun AND are educated unlike most other kids in NYC public schools.

Also known as "CSS".

Did you see that girl with the Columbia Secondary School shirt?

Yeah I heard her saying that she got A's in all of her classes.

CSS Kids do it better.

by Anonymous2097 August 20, 2010

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