Pornographic material, primarily in the form of videos and pictures, that is unintentionally or accidentally viewed by people in a crowded public area, usually while seated together, such as on a train, bus, flight, or in a theater. It has become more prevalent in recent years with the increased use of mobile electronic technology, such as laptops, smartphones, and similar devices.
Like being exposed to the cigarette smoke of a nicotine addict on the street, people are inhaling secondhand smut.
(n.) any individual that reaches orgasm by reading cheap nasty books with no pictures, but containing very lurid and colorful depictions of every kind of sex imaginable.
See also cliterature.
Omigod, you're reading "Boobz" again. Shit, James, you're the biggest smut slut I've ever known!
13๐ 9๐
Smutty ass bitches.. Women who are so slutty its just wrong.
"Yo there bout to be mad smut jawns at the club Frizziday night"
10๐ 5๐
most prettiest girl on the block the one that all the guys want
your a smut,o my god your a smut
3๐ 45๐
blonde headed bitches who get used for sex and simple hookups. Who assume they are inlove however they are only being used. If this sounds like you.. get tested for an std you whore.
Becky is a stupid smut. John is just playing her, she thinks he likes her... he just likes her ass.
4๐ 1๐
Guys that think its cool to fuck nasty girls because they are afraid of rejection from girls that dont whore them selves out.
RAM.. Guys that have no standards are considered smut fuckers.
That smut fucker fucked ack
14๐ 9๐