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social assassin

An unabashedly blunt person who is your go-to man to convey to a friend, relative, spouse, lover or acquaintance that they consistently do something that is so very annoying.
This term was used by Jeff Garlin to describe Larry David in Season 8 of Curb your Enthusiasm when Larry is propositioned by a friend to tell his wife that her using the expression "LOL" is extremely annoying.

Dave - How can I tell Claudia that her breath smells so bad that I can't even give her a ride home after class?
Tim - Jose will take care of that for a bill. He's a social assassin.

by sociasswhole July 28, 2011

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Socially Anti

The popular loner trope.

She asked me like, "Tana, are you antisocial?" And I told her, "No, girl, I'm socially anti"

by scoobert_doobert July 19, 2021

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penny social

snack food made of mackerel or sardines...similar to tuna salad...with vinegar added.
In the early days of the South, black people would sell this item, which was served on a cracker, for one cent each at certain functions or gatherings, hence the name "penny socials"

Grandma made penny socials for our picnic

by stike a poser August 11, 2004

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social cues

Those important things one doesn't pick up on, which often involve or suggest willingness to engage in a relationship. Failure to pick up on social cues tends to result in missed opportunities, not limited to having a girlfriend or boyfriend and rounding the bases. Social cues are the original source of heart ache since the beginning of time.

Jeff: Hey did you notice the way Jane Doe was looking at you? She wants you to ask her out.
Joe Shmoe: Naw, bro. I'm clueless at picking up on social cues. That info would have been helpful about 3 months ago.

by The Dude1234567890 August 13, 2013

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A person who is not quite a friend yet but more than an acquaintance. You take part in light-hearted chat and would most probably only talk to them if you were with a group of people; the same goes for hanging out with them. You also might say Hi to them when meeting in the street, but you wouldn't stop and chat.

Dave: Can you get Fred to lend me Spiderman 3 on DVD? I don't really know him that well.

Gary: Hmmm... I'm not sure if I can ask him yet, we're really only social-colleagues at the moment. Ask Kyle though, he was at friend level last time I checked.

by shrimpsy October 24, 2009

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social topping

Asserting your dominance in a social situation. Like being a top in a gay relationship, but in a social context.

"Claudia just told me she's gonna eat my leftovers in our fridge"
"Ugh, she's always social topping"

by pubetown February 26, 2019

Social Fluttershy

The antonym of a social butterfly. A person who, due to unholy amounts of shyness, is unable to hold a conversation with someone he or she does not know well.

Kevin: The date went pretty well. If you consider we hardly talked at all and mostly stared at the food in front of us.

Michael: Come on, man! You need to be bold to get a chick!

Kevin: But Mike, you know how much of a Social Fluttershy I am!

by Just_Your_Average_Psychopath July 9, 2012