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sonic the hedgehog

The Saturday morning episodes of the early 1990s were the best of the cartoon series.

I am now trying to find bootlegs of all the early episodes of Sonic the Hedgehog.

by Matthew Price August 24, 2003

299๐Ÿ‘ 169๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sonic fans

The worst fan base in the world.
They are just people who just hate everything about sonic after sonic adventure 2 when we had great sonic games which all sonic fans hate.
They are all retarded and should just go back to 4chan.

The truth is, sonic fans will never be happy, they only care about the well aged but overrated geninis ga,es and sonic adventure 2. All great games like sonic unleashed and generations are just panned on for no reason what so ever, just because, they are not "good as the genisis games".
They all should just go back to 4chan and be called stupid cause thats what they are.
Fuck you to all the people of this cancerous fandom.

by A person who is just browsing November 25, 2015

37๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

sonic chronic

Killer Marijuana better than your normal chronic

Wow! Is this shit even real? you got yourself some Sonic Chronic.

by the real Nick Lane May 9, 2006

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

sonic 06

A reboot of the sonic cannon that flopped so bad, that fans do not refer to its name of Sonic the Hedgehog because it does not deserve the name of the franchise. Sega was also accused of advocating beasteality due to Sonics love intrist being human.

The new Sonic 06 game sucked ass!

by Ninjafists March 20, 2018

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sonic Twitter

The part of Twitter made up of Sonic The Hedgehog fans. Possibly the worst place to try and find Sonic fans, since the only discussions are about tier lists, designs that look exactly the same, and the amount of polygons in 3D models of Sonic. Opinions are also rejected at every turn.

"I wanna join Sonic Twitter!"
"Okay, but you're not allowed to have opinions or dislike things"

by Hyion October 29, 2020

buttcheek sonic

A character that is more powerful than any god. He is greater than jesus. He is faster than light. If you say bad stuff about him then trust me, youโ€™re going to have a bad time.

Also you use this when you describe something more powerful than any god.

Timmy: Whatcha drawinโ€™ there, Kyle?
Kyle: Oh, iโ€™m drawing the strongest person ever, buttcheek sonic.
Timmy: Oh him? I donโ€™t like him. Heโ€™s pretty ugly and fat.
Kyle: Take that fucking back or else *pulls out shotgun* iโ€™ll blow your fuckinโ€™ head off.
Timmy: Fuck you.

~ Fin

by wtf is a thanos May 27, 2019

Sonic Inflation

The increasing prices of sonic games. Dont believe me? Look it up!

Man 1: Sonic inflation is crazy.
Man 2: What are you talking about?
Man 1: The prices of sonic games.
Man 2: what the fuck

by MacBaok October 5, 2023

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž