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Tampon Tiffany

A girl named Tiffany who loves tampons and everything about them. She sleeps with them, eats with them, and even occasionally fucks them.

"Do you know that girl tiffany, she likes tampons."
"Yeah dude she's a fucking tampon tiffany."

by Charnizzles December 29, 2011

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Tampon Snatcher

The swift skill of a white ninja who can safely remove a tampon from a women's vagina with hands or mouth while remaining incognito.

Hide your kids, hide your wife, there's a tampon snatcher snatching up your tampons.

by The puffy Wey December 30, 2014

Philly tampon

A standing ovation for a professional athlete to stop the bleeding and stimulate production out of the $300 million invested on an 11yr contract.

Did you see the Philly Tampon the game Trey Turner the other day?

by Let’s go Philly September 4, 2023

Philly tampon

A standing ovation for a professional athlete to stop the bleeding of poor performance and stimulate production out of the $300MM/11yr investment.

Did you see the Philly Tampon the fans gave Trey Turner the other day?

by Let’s go Philly September 4, 2023

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Tampon Libertarian

One who takes socially conservative stances but otherwise considers him or herself to be a libertarian. As in, you believe government should be small... Small enough to fit inside certain body parts...

Many right-wingers consider themselves to be libertarians, but I grow tired of their socially conservative positions on women's reproductive rights, so I started calling them "tampon libertarians".

by April Alligator July 1, 2014

Minion tampons

A minion tampon. Popular for Kylee Henke's Zoobe video.

"Is this a joke? Minion tampons? Fucking minion tampons?! Because yeah, you're having your period. You're bleeding against your will. So why don't you shove a fucking minion up your vagina? I mean, what's next? Minion dildos? Why would anyone want to shove a minion into their vagina?! I swear to god this better be a fucking joke."

by l0verB0y? July 24, 2022

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Tampon Turtle

When your tampon pokes out like a turtle head.

"Yesterday I sneezed during a meeting and for the rest of the afternoon my tampon turtle drove me crazy!"

by mcknazzy December 29, 2011